• [1] Apprenticeship Day

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"Morning, sunshine." The grim voice of Halt spoke, nudging my sleeping body slightly. I groaned in response. "Listen, y/n," he started, "Remember that Will kid?"

I am wide awake now. Of course I know who my father is talking about. I grew up with the mission to keep an eye on him, to see how he was doing in the castle ward. How could I forget that cheeky brunette?
"Yeah, I know who you're talking about." I finally replied, sitting upright in the single bed.

"It's apprenticeship day, darling. We might be coming home with fresh meat. Or he might come tomorrow. I'm not quite sure,"

Those words were enough to lift my brows. Halt rarely - rarely - says that he is not quite sure.

"Do I need to go?" I ask, not sure if me going to the short apprenticeship ceremony was just a waste of time.

"No," he replied firmly, "I have already instructed you are one of my apprentices," he paused. "That is, unless you want to change?"

"No." I replied instantly. I will be the first female Ranger. Not that girls aren't capable, it's just that most 15 year old girls would choose either becoming a chef or joining the diplomacy services. I never really fit in. A long scar that runs from below my palm to just below the crease of my elbow on my inner forearm proves it. But I don't want to be anything else other than a ranger. The way they move with the shadows is almost like magic, and I always loved the green and grey uniformed cloak that my father always wore.

"Good. Returning a Rangers horse isn't easy," he semi-jokes, "Anyway, I need to see how today plays out. I'll be back for afternoon tea, then I'll be back at around midnight." He informs me before walking out my room door,
"Oh!" Halt stops abruptly and turns, "Berries and fruit are on the table for breakfast." And with that, he turns and leaves through the wooden door just paces away from my room.

I sigh in a huff, blowing some strands of hair infront of my face about. Stretching slightly, I make my way to the trunk at the end of my bed. I slip on brown leather jeans with my usual black long sleeve top, wrapping my leather cuffs around my wrists and forearm. I clip my scabbard into my hips, locking in my throwing knifes and saxe knife in its sheath.

From the fruit bowl, I grab two apples in one hand and sling a quiver around my back while picking up my bow with the other hand. I run out the door, into the isolated paddock and find Alenya, my medium sized, black pony. Giving him one of the apples, I reach for an arrow in my quiver. I breathe out a curse when i realise that Halt had taken them to the castle. Cursing again, I haul myself on the boy, straddling it.

I remember the first time I got on him, I made the fatal mistake of not asking permission. You see, Ranger horses are so very intelligent. They need a code to get on. And in Alenyas case, the code was 'Buttercup'.

Riding with one hand, I steer the pony towards the castle. My father and my little house is between the castle Redmont and Wensley Village. Although the Ranger ponies are smaller than Knight horses, they are so much faster. In just 5 short minutes, I slowed Alenya to a trot.
I craned my neck to see the large, brick castle, the sun glaring in my eye as I did so. My small horse lets out a whine as we trot through the village, silent whispers follow where we go. It's not usual to see a girl Ranger, or a 15 year old girl wearing pants and a shirt. Or holding a weapon. I grit my teeth and bite my tongue.

Making my way towards the entry of the castle, a guard takes my horse for me. My father, the Ranger, is a very idolised man in Redmont, so me being his daughter also got the respect. But growing up a child of a Ranger is.. difficult. Hence the white scar that runs up my inner forearm. The rumours of black magic and silent whispers ended up getting to me. So did Alyss.

Giving my horse to the guard, I step into the castle, slinging my bow around my back. My boots clop against the floor as I walk to the west wing, where the apprenticeship is. Where my father is. Knocking on the door timidly, I am met with the sound of a 'come in'. Shyly, I step in, heat already rising up to my cheeks. Halt squints his eyes and shakes his head a bit, as if to ask 'what are you doing here'. My eyes widen slightly and I gesture for him to come over to me.

"Ah, young Y/n, are you here for an apprenticeship?" The Baron asked, gesturing to the four teenagers who lined up horizontally infront of him. I noticed there is Will, his short and skinny figure at the start of the line. Next to him stood a girl slightly taller then him, her name is Jennifer if I remember. She has curly brown hair that curves around her slightly chubby face. Next to Jenny is George. He's quiet and shy, from what I had observed. He is tall and lanky, his blonde hair slightly messy on his pale skin. Then there is Alyss. You see, Alyss is very beautiful. Very beautiful. She has grace and poise and her face looks like it has been carved straight from heaven itself. She has round, plump lips and big brown eyes. Her straight, blonde hair rests on her shoulders. I know her. I can still hear the awful words she whispered about me, I can still feel the tears running down my face as she snickered. I can still feel the razor sharp blade cutting through my skin as I think of the cruel things she has done to me in my short life.
"Y/n?" The Baron repeats, snapping me from my trans. 

"No, my lord. I'm here for Ranger Halt." My father shrugs apologetically and grabs my elbow, walking me outside the door.

"What is it?" He spits, harsher then he meant.

"Arrows." I state, turning to show him my empty quiver. He lets out a sigh of frustration.

"Inside, now." He drags me back inside the room and walks me to his own quiver. I notice that Horace, another boy from the ward, has stepped up from the line.

"Name?" The baron said.

"Horace Altman, sir... my lord." He stumbled slightly over the correct method of address.

"And do you have a preference, Horace?"

"Battleschool, sir!" He replies firmly, to which the Baron nodded. I could tell the Baron expected as much. He exchanged a glance at sir Rodney, the battleschools Battlemaster.

"Battlemaster?" The Baron said. Normally, he would address Rodney by his first name, not his title. But this was a formal occasion.

Rodney stepped forward, his chainmail and spurs chinking slightly as he moved closer to Horace and eyed the boy up and down. He then moved behind him, Horace's head started to turn with him.

"Still," Sir Rodney commanded, and the boy ceased all movement, staring straight ahead. "Looks strong enough, my lord, and I can always use more trainees. D'you ride, Horace Altman?"

I saw a look of uncertainty flash over Horace's face. "No, sir. I-"

Sir Rodney interrupted him, "No matter. That can be taught." The Knight looked at the Baron and nodded, "Very well, my lord. I'll take him for battleschool, subject to the usual three-month probationary period."

By now, I had a dozen arrows in my quiver, Halt slightly shoving me to get out of the room. Before I left, I noticed Alyss trailing her finger up her inner forearm, a small smirk lay across her face.

"Something funny, child?" Halt snapped, catching her movement too. Her snickering look immediately dropped into a panicked state.

"N-no, Ranger." She stumbled, blush forming on her cheeks.

"I should hope not," he said with his usual grim look, "Now, off you go, Y/n."

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