• [8] Shaggy, Little Pony

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"Will," I shake his shoulders.

"Couple more minutes," he tried to say, but with his head squished in the pillow, it sounded more like 'Coup..mre....minst..'

"Will!" I say louder this time, vigorously shaking his body. He swats my hand away, his face still down in the pillow. I scoff and walk out of the room, to the Kitchen.

"W..where's the boy?" Halt says, sharpening his knife. I answer with an eye roll, grabbing a flask of water from the kitchen bench. I quietly walk back to Will and my room and stand over him.
"Will?" I say again. He deserves three chances, I guess. He grunts in response. I shrug, open the flask, and pour the water on his head and back. He bolts right up.

He lets out a not-so-manly shriek. He splutters our words in confusion, some of them curses. I hear Halt's low laugh from the dining area.
"What'd you do that for?" He whines, stripping the soaking shirt from his lean body. I'd be lying if I said I didn't blush. He quickly opens his trunk and pulls out a new, clean shirt.

I shrug, "You weren't getting up." I say simply. He turns with the shirt in his hands and looks at me. I was already in my long sleeved shirt and leather jeans, my scabbard tied to my hip and my quiver and bow slung around my back. He flashes me a 'wtf' face and shakes his head disbelievingly.

"Doesn't mean you give me an early shower!" He shouts the last part. I shrug once again.

"Just get changed and meet us in the dining room." I grumble, leaving the room.

Halt had taken my rangers cloak away after I had used it. He said he wanted to give it to me when Will got his, as well as something about 'not wanting him to feel left out'. Pffft.

3rd Person

Halt examined the target Will and Y/N had been shooting at, and nodded.

"Not bad, not bad at all," he said, "Your shooting is definitely improving." He said more the Will than to Y/b.

Will couldn't help but grin. That was a high praise indeed from Halt. Halt saw the expression and immediately added, "With more practice - a lot more practice - you might even achieve mediocrity."

Y/n snickered and Halt snapped her on the back of the head with his bow. That'll leave a bump, the girl thought, rubbing at the spot subconsciously.

Will wasn't absolutely sure what mediocrity was but he sensed it wasn't good. The grin faded and Halt dismissed the subject with a wave of his hand.

"That's enough shooting for now. Let's go," he said and set off, striding down a narrow path through the forest. Y/n slung the bow around her back and followed after him, Will, however, did so hesitantly.

"Where are we going?" Will asked, half running to keep up with the Rangers longer strides.
Halt look at the trees above him. "Why does this boy ask so many questions?" He asked to the trees.
Naturally, they didn't answer.
Will immediately shut up and walked behind Y/n, watching her boots softly thud against the ground as she walked gracefully. She should be in the diplomatic services, Will noted. Then frowned at the thought, no, she doesn't smile. He he frowned again, and she's scary.


They must've been walking for an hour before they came to a small collection of buildings buried deep in the forest.

Will was aching to ask more questions. But he had learnt by now that Halt wasn't going to answer them, so he held his tongue in bided his time. Sooner or later, he knew, he'd learn why they'd come here.
Halt lead the way up to the largest of the ramshackle huts, then stopped, signalling for Will to do likewise. Y/n was already by his side.

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