•[9] Secret Mission

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Last night before bed, Halt pulled me outside the barn, away from Will. He gave me a mission. A top secret mission. I couldn't tell Will.
So here I am, leaving the barn quietly as the sun is settled on the horizon about to come up. Munching on my apple, I give the rest to Alenya, he nickers thoughtfully. Halt gave me my cloak back for this mission, thankfully.

Alenya goes into a canter as we head to the castle, I know Halt is watching me. I feel it. So I don't look back, that's what he usually does. Or doesn't do.

I pull into my reserved stable, a stable boy grabs Alenya's reins and looks after him, I put a few gold coins into his hand. My mission is to watch Horace for the day and report back to Halt. I don't know why he wants me to do this, but I knew better than to question him. I settle in the shade outside the first year Battleschool dorms  and wait in the shade.
It must've been hours that I waited unmoving. But then I saw him. He was hard to miss, his tall, muscular figure walked gloomily towards.... the river?
He bumps into Alda, Bryn and Jerome.
I hated those boys. They were with Alyss when that 'accident' happened.

I saw them grab Horace, rather forcefully, and drag him to the river side. I blend with the shadows and follow them, careful not to be seen. They shove Horace knee-deep in the river. To me, it would've been hip deep. Or even waist deep. He stood to attention.

"Baby can't use his sword properly," Alda snickered.
Bryn took up the refrain. "Baby made the Battlemaster angry. Baby doesn't belong in Battleschool. Babies shouldn't be given swords to play with."

"Babies should throw stones instead," Jerome concludes the sarcastic litany. I rolled my eyes. "Pick up a stone, Baby."

I see Horace hesitate while he glances around. He bent and got one, his arms and sleeves being soaked while doing so.
"Not a small stone, Baby," Alda smiled evilly, "You're a big baby, so you need a big stone."

"A great, big stone," Bryn added, indicating that he wanted Horace to pick up a large rock.
The rock Horace picked up was light underwater, but extremely heavy above. I heard him grunt at the weight of it.
"Let's see it, Baby," Jerome said, "Hold it up."

I see Horace take a deep breath, bracing himself, and pulled it to his chest. I raise my eyebrows in surprise, it's impressive.
"Right up, Baby," Alda commanded, "Right over your head."

Painfully, Horace obeyed. Idiot! I scream mentally to him. Naturally, he didn't answer. His arms wobbled.

"That's good, Baby," Jerome said and Horace, with a relieved sigh, began to let the rock down. "What are you doing?" Jerome demanded. "I said that's good. So that's where to rock will stay!"

Horace braces himself again, and lifted it with a grunt above his head.
The three bullies nodded in approval.
"Now you stay there," Alda told him, "while you count to five hundred. Then you can go back to the dorms."

"Start counting!" Bryn ordered, grinning.

"One, two, three-"

"Not so fast, Baby! Nice and slowly. Start again."

"One.. Two... Three..."

The bullies nodded their approval. Laughing, they turned and walked away. But not before I shot an arrow at the tree infront of them. Their heads turned my way and I stepped from the shadows.
"We're sorry, Ranger," Alda quickly said, his legs trembled with fear. I scoff and pull my hood back. Alda, Jerome and Bryn all looked at my face with shock, then began laughing. Not so scared anymore.
"Nevermind!" Alda said in between laughs. "It's just Y/n!" He said. "Keep an eye on Baby for us, will you? How's your arm doing?"

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