Chapter 1

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"You and I, we're 'bout to make some magic here tonight. I wanna live while we're young" was replaying in the painted girl's headphone next to me. Ugh. This sucks.

Right now I'm on an overly crowded, city bus on my way to school. And of all the people in the world of course I'm sitting next to an obviously dyed blonde, caked in makeup, "pretty girl" from my school.

I should probably introduce myself. My name is Bethany Hope, I'm a senior at the West High school in London. I just transferred here from Queens, New York. And by just transferred, I mean it's my third day here, and I already hate it. I have no friends, no clicks I could belong to, not even a person to pretend to talk to.

Why did I transfer here you ask, well my dad just got a job here. So I had to drop EVERYTHING for him. My "friends", my boyfriend, my dog, and basically my life.

I grew up in Queens, and have been there all my life. I lived in a small house, white with blue shudders. I had my own room and I had my own dog. Ughhh. I've missed her so much since I moved here, she was my best friend. My dad and I now live in a closet sized apartment that has little to no space, and a no pets policy. So long story short, she is now with my ex-boyfriend, now friend, Doug.

Me and Doug were absolute best friends since forever. He lived next door to me since I was a baby and has been my best friend ever since. And let me tell you he was hot! You could make an ocean over how many girls drool over him. But, when I had to move we decided it was better for both of us to break up and since I couldn't bring Sammy (my dog) with me she stayed with him. We text and call each other all the time, but other than that I live under a rock. No computer, internet, iPod, T.V., not even a magazine; nothing interests me.

Now here I am, you know me back to my new life.

This girl, her name was Cassie I think, was driving me insane. After listening to the same song five times she decides to put it off, thank god. But now is the worst part, she takes out this sack, her make up bag, and tries to PAINT her face. I mean literally her eyes are closed and she is getting it every where, just luckily not on me.

"Finally!" I yelled out once my stop for school was here. Crap, did I just say that out loud! "You know, nobody likes a bitch!" Cassie said to me, while shoving me out of the way, and off the bus.


"Class we have a new student!" Mr.Burns happily said. God he is weird, now thinking of it a lot of the girls are wearing way too much makeup than usual, oh and there is extra seat to my left. "Class I'd like you to meet Niall. Niall your last name is Horan, correct?" he asked creepily.

All of the girls or should I say "works of art" immediately started to smile uncontrollably and push out their chest.

"Yes sir that's my name." he said, giving the class a glance. Which the girls giggled at.

"Good, you can sit next to...... Ahhhhh....... Bethany! I knew I got an extra seat, right over there Niall." Mr.Burns said. I did a double take, oh yea that's me, duhhh that's why there is an extra seat here.

I looked up to see who this new student is here to add to this hell whole. And I was meet by a pair of eyes, they were amazingly blue, and glued on mine. He had beach blonde hair and a cute smile.

Mr.Burns's loud voice woke me from my trance. "Class were starting a new unit, and your getting one partner for the unit."

The whole class broke into whispers at his statement, glancing my way staring at Niall. I felt like digging a whole and hiding in it from the looks girls were giving me. I looked around to see why they were looking at me like that and found Niall staring at me. He blushed pretending to look down at the notes he doesn't have yet, realizing I caught him looking at me. I guess the other girls were jealous, but he's new so I don't get it.

Mr.Burns went on, "Enough! So as I was saying the project is a three or more page report on native Americans. Now, pick your partners!" he half screamed/ yelled. Niall quickly tapped my arm and asked "Do you want to erm... be my partner?" he finely said.

Wow. I was shocked. "Sure." I barely whispered.

His face lit up "ok, I'm Niall by the way." he said, that was odd he sounded different. "I'm Bethany.... So what's your schedule?" I asked.

He just handed me his, wow we have the exact same schedule, I thought. "What?" he asked. Ugh I said that aloud too. "We have the exact same schedule" I repeated louder this time.


I handed him his schedule saying "Come, follow me."

The Nobody and The Superstar (Niall Horan/One Direction Fan-Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now