Chapter 10

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Chapter 10:

Early That day

Bethany's P.O.V.

So after a restless night of sleep, I finally had to get up in the morning. What am I supposed to do? I don't know if me and Niall are friends or more, things are getting way too complicated. I've only been here for .... what, a week? And I've already witnessed a car-crash and I almost kissed an international pop star. I have no idea what I am going to do when I see him.


"Abigail-" Mr.Burns said to the class taking attendance.


"Bethany-" he said.

"Here." I said not looking up from my fascinating notebook,hoping that Niall won't see me.

"Niall-" he asked next.


I looked up at Niall's seat, because he didn't answer. He wasn't here. Relief washed over me, knowing I have another day to think this over.


We all got up and left for our next class. I looked down the corridor thinking about where health class was. But, no it didn't come to me; so I looked around for anyone who was in my class... empty-handed again. Crap, I have no idea where it is. I'll have to ask someone.

"Excuse me, but can you tell me where health class is?" I asked a very attractive boy. He had tan flawless skin and hair that was combed back to perfection...WOW this guy hawt!

"Um hello, I said it's the next room over, did ya catch that?"

"Oh um yea I got it it's just um I was um zoning out for a sec."

"No worries, and looks like you and I will be spending some extra time together cause I have health too!"

"Great lets go there, wait where did you say that was?"

"Oh you're too funny, just follow me so we won't be late!"

We walked into the classroom and we sat next to each other in the back row.

"I didn't catch your name"

"Well, its because I never said it, but its Bethany." I said smiling.

"Cool, and I'm Jack!"

The way too strange looking teacher walked into the classroom, and might I add he was very exciting, by opening his big piehole, "CLASS! DON'T HAVE BABIES AND DON'T HAVE S**! ALWAYS AND I MEAN ALWAYS USE PROTECTION! OH AND WELCOME TO HEALTH CLASS YOU ANNOYING S** ADDICTED TEENS!"

"Class my name is Mr.Dick and no that isn't a joke it is for real." He said looking at us seriously.

"Wow, how convenient isn't that?" Jack said in a very sarcastic voice. I giggled at his cuteness. He winked at me for laughing. Wow he is so hot it's insane. The whole class was laughing at Mr.Dick at his ironic name. His face turned tomato red and he looked like he was constipated.

Mr.Dick started to walk around the classroom with a big bucket, throwing hand-fulls of condoms at every one. "Oh, how sweet we already have a class couple" he said to me and Jack while giving us each two hand-fulls. Oh my god! I can't believe he just said that out loud. Jack looked at me and smiled saying "maybe" with another wink, looking at me from head to toe. Now, things are just awkward.

"Class is over, your homework assignment is to go a week without s**. Now go!" He said pushing us out the door.

I got up to leave and so did jack, "So, would you like to go on a date with me?" Jack asked with a questioning smile.

Wait, what? He is so cute and I'm just like okay I guess. I was about to nod yes when Niall popped into my head. Does he like me? Probably not, he is a superstar; he definitely doesn't.

"O-okay!" I said to Jack with a smile.

He gave me a hug and whispered in my ear, "Good, because for a second I thought you'd say no. Let me walk you to your next class." He grabbed my hand and tugged my to the staircase.


Lunch time:

Bethany's P.O.V.

Today has been wonderful, after every single class Jack has been waiting for me at the door and we would walk to our next class hand in hand. Since today was thursday and we have school tomorrow, Jack asked me out on a date for tomorrow to the movies. I was so excited because things have been so lonely since I moved here with Dad and without doug.

I was looking around for him when he hugged me from behind. "AHHHHHHH!" I screamed because I was not excepting that. "That was not funny Jack! You gave me a heart attack!" I yelled at him while punching him in the gut for his joke, it was surprisingly hard.

"Come on babe, I sit over there" he said taking my hand. He called me babe! I blushed at his sweetness.

"Lads, this is my girlfriend Bethany. Bethany these are my mates or as you say friends. Luke, Jason, Nick, and Tommy." Jack said.

"Come on, let's go get some food." Jack said dragging me to the lunch-line. "So what do you think of my mates?" he asked looking serious. "They seemed nice, why? Did you think they would do something to me?" I asked wiggling my eyebrows.

"Yes! Especially since you're gorgeous, babe." he said knowing it would make me blush, which I did.

"Stop that!" I said giggling at him, because he was now tickling me.

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