𝘐 𝘮𝘪𝘴𝘴𝘦𝘥 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘵𝘰𝘰, 𝘊𝘢𝘱𝘴𝘪𝘤𝘭𝘦 [028]

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Tony didn't know what he had been thinking when he took out that outdated, ugly flip phone from his desk drawer. He didn't know what he had been thinking when he turned it on, eyes resting on that name that had been haunting him for the last two years. The only contact on the phone.

Steve Rogers.

He stared at it for a good ten minutes, wondering why exactly he had brought the thing out. It was as if his body was working on autopilot, his mind somewhere else as his hands fiddled with the phone. He hadn't looked at the thing for two years, and he had been so sure that he was never going to press that call button. He had been so sure after he was left alone in Siberia that he would never want to see the stupid face of Steve Rogers ever again. He was so sure he would never see him again.

But here he was, staring at the contact as if it were about to jump out and bite him.

What was he even planning to say?

Tony didn't need help. He didn't need Steve here, they were doing just fine.

If this were true, why was he holding that fucking flip phone?

"What are you doing?" Tony almost fell out of his desk chair, a shocked gasp leaving his mouth as Rhodey's voice filled the room. He jumped so hard the phone dropped out of his hand and landed on the floor, flipping a few times before falling face down. Tony looked up to meet Rhodey's eyes, who was staring down at him quizzically. "Was that the phone Rogers gave you?"

Tony didn't react, eyes moving to the phone on the ground. Slowly, he leant down to pick it up, turning it over in his hands so he could see the screen again. Steve Rogers' name was still on the screen, staring up at him as if it were torturing him. It was as if the contact was just screaming at him to call him, to get Steve to come back to the compound for no reason whatsoever.

But they weren't in trouble. Tony didn't need to bring him back here, it would just cause more problems between them. Maybe another civil war if they weren't careful.

"Tony." Rhodey's voice broke him out of his daze yet again, Tony's eyes tearing away from the phone's screen to look up at his best friend. "Are you going to call Steve?"

Tony didn't react for a few seconds, looking down at the phone then back up at Rhodey.

"I don't know." Tony whispered, setting the phone down on the desk before he could drop it again. "I don't know what I'm doing, Rhodey."

Rhodey didn't answer, the two of them settling into an awkward silence as the flip phone sat on the desk as if it were a bomb. Tony's eyes had drifted back to the device, an uneasy feeling settling in the pit of his stomach as he tried to decide what he was going to do. Was he going to call Steve, or was he going to put the phone back in his desk and forget about it?

He didn't want to do either.

"You miss him, don't you?" Rhodey broke the silence, a comforting hand settling on Tony's shoulder. Tony sighed, rubbing a hand dow his face as he sighed deeply. "You want to call him but not because we need help, because you miss him."

"We shouldn't have fought." Tony whispered, feeling the weight of he and Steve's fight heavy on his shoulders. It was both of their fault's, it shouldn't have happened. They both did things they regret, well, Tony was hoping Steve regretted it. Because he sure as hell did. "It was stupid."

"It's been two years, Tones." Rhodey said, his voice lower. "Things would have calmed down a little by now. If you want to call him, call him. Who am I to stop you?"

"Exactly. It's been two years." Tony concluded, reaching out for the phone. "It was a stupid idea anyways. There's no point." He snapped the thing shut, a sudden anger taking over his body as he yanked that draw open, tossing the phone inside like it was merely a piece of trash.

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