𝙁𝙖𝙡𝙡𝙖𝙘𝙞𝙤𝙪𝙨 [048]

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heya! sorry i took SUCH A LONG BREAK but i had like 0 motivation to do anything until now! so enjoy this weird but sweet chapter! <3




Throughout his entire life, Tony Stark believed he was always right. He had knowledge about important and unimportant things and, for the most part, he'd won many arguments about whatever the topic was at that time.

He believed he was righter than right about anything thanks to his bloated ego, and that also meant he believed he was right when he said nobody could love him simply because he was who he was.

His father never had the time to even speak a simple "hello" to him, it felt. Sometimes Tony wondered if Howard even had the time to witness him being birthed into the world. And as for his mother? She was affectionate and paid a lot more attention to Tony than anyone ever did in private school (she noticed him more than his teachers did, and he saw his mom as much as he saw his dad), but their interactions were still minimal. There was never really any family heart-to-heart between them, mostly he just confided in Maria as a very distant friend, only telling her the unimportant parts about his life like the things that annoyed him.

It never felt like they truly loved him, and so that just clicked into his day-to-day mind set. As if on default, he'd think nobody loved him. He never even truly believed Pepper had loved him when they were dating, even though she was there for him when the world went to hell. That was the cause to their break-up. Pepper was done with him and Tony believed she deserved better. No, Tony knew she deserved better.

So when Captain America said "I love you" to Iron Man himself, Tony almost lost his breath. He had laughed long and hard, hiding the panic on his face. No, no, no, he had thought, this is a joke. Captain America could not have fallen for him. Not after all their arguments and their empty threats. Not when Tony refused to listen and sacrificed himself for everything he believed deserved the saving. For everything he knew deserved the saving.

He had tried to wipe it off, find proof that he could never be loved by Steven Grant Rogers. Find proof that he could never be loved by anyone. But as he searched the captain's face that night for even the slightest peep of sarcasm, he couldn't find it. If it was there, Cap hid it well. All Tony Stark could see was absolute genuineness. It was almost unfathomable. How could Cap mean this? Tony had almost thought of it as a crime.

Nobody could love him. Nobody would ever love him. Tony believed so. But as Captain America pulled him in for a kiss to show just how much he meant those three simple words, Iron Man realized just how wrong he was.

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