𝘖𝘶𝘳 𝘋𝘦𝘴𝘵𝘪𝘯𝘺 (1/6) [030]

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- It's a mission that I must do on my own. - The Captain replied while looking at the gems Bruce had granted him. Sam did not agree, he feared for his friend. Barnes was extremely calm, he knew that Steve should do it alone. If he knew Rogers' stubborn well, the reason he had insisted on going unsupported was important.

- How long will it take? - Sam questioned when he saw Steve climbing the platform.

- For us, a few seconds. For him, what he needs.

They were the last words Steve heard from that time.

How many lives would you have to live before learning the lesson?

It was not the first time he returned. He acted in a way that his friends didn't suspect.

The first occasion was submerged to the neck in depression. Tony had been saving the universe. It was something that eaten him every day.

That first time, he returned to the past to return the gems and to complete something else. His life with Peggy was wonderful at the beginning. He really wanted to have a family with her, but he felt deep down that it was the same thing he had stolen from Tony when he used the gauntlet.

Thanks to the serum, he would have endured more. Tony was not well. I reviewed those moments over and over again. There were so many options. It must have been him and not Tony.

I was grateful that Peggy didn't want to have children, her life had been SHIELD and she would put them in danger. He could not deny that he had achieved his greatest dream. He had a life with the woman he loved most, but ... after so many years he concluded that he had met other people more than her.

Through his mind, he crossed that scene in which he had struggled with himself. The naive way he acted, how easy it was to overcome.

What if he had been just as stupid as he wanted to return to a time he no longer belonged to?

He waited long enough for Peggy to die naturally, with a fulfilled life. By then, even the effect of the serum had vanished almost completely.

I had a plan. It was true madness, but I had nothing more to lose. He would die soon and at least he would know that he would have tried, as he said before returning with Peggy.

Bruce's last words were very important. His duty was to return the gems, but now he was able to manipulate time and space at will. No one would know. It wouldn't even take a second to notice.

He handed his shield to Sam. If something went wrong, I would be sure that there would be those who protected the universe. Besides that he needed to return so that his friends would not look for him, believing he was lost in the past.

He used the gems. Precisely those of time and space. It was very dangerous to keep them all, so he returned the rest before.

He returned where it all began. Just when the serum was administered. He didn't need a costume, nobody would recognize him. In addition to knowing the time at which Hydra agents would destroy the serum samples. If he took one before they broke them, no one would notice. Later in the uproar where he was chasing the agents, he took the place he had abandoned to repeat the process. There was only one chance.

Awkwardly and with too much pain, he managed to regain his strength. He took some clothes, a uniform, and came forward again in time.

He was tempted to return to the time of the Chitauri invasion, but he would not know how to present himself to his target ... Tony.

If he wanted to do everything right with him, he must first wait for his paranoia to begin. It hurt him, he wanted to avoid suffering, but it was necessary.

He chose the moment before Tony created Ultron, but when he already had plans to build it. Those months in which he had gone to Washington and destroyed SHIELD / HYDRA, inside. That way he would not have his "I" close to him.

Tony still lived in the Stark Tower. Bruce worked in the tower laboratory and Pepper was in conflict with Stark.

How would it be presented?

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