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Betrayed. That's how Zayn felt when his father announced that he was leaving. Not only leaving his family behind but also the country.

Zayn knew that his parent's couple wasn't perfect but he always thought they would be together forever.

Instead his dad left four months ago, not looking back. Zayn tried to call his him multiple times the past four months but not once Yaser returned one of his calls.

He missed his father. He missed his family. He tried to numb the pain with weed and alcohol and so far it was working quite well. He attend to every party, drink and smoke as much as he can until he forgets about his problems at home.

That's how he end up being hangover on a school day. He was peacefully sleeping on his desk when a loud bang made him jump.

- Mr. Malik, leave my class and go to the principal's office right now.

Mr Smith said. Zayn rolled his eyes before taking his stuff and leaving the boring classroom. He didn't made it to the principal's office, he wandered around school until he skillfully made his way outside the ugly brown building.

He walked up to the mall, thinking about his dad. Wondering what he was doing, if he ever second thought about coming back.

He hated his life now. When he finally got there, he went to the food court and bought a bottle of water. He sat at one of the tables and put his headphones on.

He watch people around until someone caught his eye. There she was, his mother. She was walking slowly in the nearest store, hand in hand with someone. The guy was young, way too young for her. He was tall and muscular. His long curly brown hair were hanging on his shoulders and his green eyes were shinning while he was listenning to something his mother was saying.

He didn't realised he was staring until they both turned to him. His mother immediately released the guy's hand and walked to him clearly upset to see her son at the mall while he was supposed to be at school.

- Zayn Malik, what are you doing here? You should be at school young man.

- Oh so you can peacefully spend the day with your...

He looked up to Harry who was watching the scene from afar.

- Boy toy. You're nothing but a whore.

Just like that, a burning sensation errupt on his cheek and his vision blurried. His mother just slapped him in the middle of the food court.

- You will walk to the parking immediately, and you will sit in the car without another word Zayn.

She turned to Harry.

- I'm sorry Harry, that's not how I thought you would meet my son.

- It's alright Trisha. I suppose Zayn was very ...surprised also. Don't be too hard on him.

Zayn's eyes drifted to the man's green ones. There was nothing but hatred in his but Harry's were compassionate and caring. Zayn hated him even more for it.

He left his mother standing there and start walking to the car. He sat in silence for the entire road, not in the mood to face his mother now. When the arrived to their house, Zayn left her in the car and ran to his room slamming the door behind him.

He thought she would scream at him for what he said but she didn't. She let him be for the evening.

It's only when he heard faint cries coming from her bedroom that he made up the courage to go and apologize to her.

- I'm sorry mom...

- I know how you miss your father Zayn... but he left. He moved on and I think we should do the same.

- He left you... not me...

- Zayn... I like Harry. He is nice and he is taking care of me pretty well. I know the age gap is a little....

- He could be your son, mom!

- Zayn enough now! Being with Harry is my own business. I don't care about your judgemental attitude. Call me a whore one more time and I will kick your little ass so hard that you won't need a plane to flight within a second to a boarding school in the middle of Arkansas. Am I clear enough?

- Yes.

- Great. We're on the same page. I won't tolerate disrespect in my own house Zayn. Tomorrow night Harry is coming over for dinner. I expect you to be a gentleman and be in your best behavior in front of him.

- Fine.

He said too scared to argue with her anymore.

She didn't ground him, knowing that it wouldn't resolve anything. Zayn got back to his room, dialing Liam's number.

Liam was Zayn's new friend. They met each other at a party and decided to stick together since then. Liam wasn't a good influence to Zayn. He introduced Zayn to alchool and drugs. He also threw some of the best party in town since he was a little older than the rest of the crew and had his own flat.

- Hey Zee! What's up?

- Hey mate. I'm looking for a place to stay tonight. Can I come to your place?

- Sure. I'm with a couple of friends, if that's ok for you?

- Alright. I'll be there soon.

Zayn fulled his bag with what he needed for the night and left his house without telling his mother where he was going. He walked to Liam's place that was just two streets down his.

He could hear the loud music playing in the appartment from the bottom of the stairs. He knocked twice before Liam answered, the smoke and the smell of weed immediately filled Zayn's nostrils making him cough a little.

- Hey man. What's up?

-Not much... Hope i'm not interrupting anything.

- Chill man. We were just having a smoke.

- We?

- Yeah, Louis and Nick are here. Get in.

Zayn froze when Nick was mentionned. He had a bad feeling about that guy. He couldn't explain what it was but he didn't like him. At all.

They were all spread around the room. Louis was holding a hash pipe and Nick was playing Mario Kart while smoking a blunt. There was pizza and beer everywhere.

Liam threw Zayn a beer before sitting beside him.

- So Malik, how's life?

- Pretty shitty. My mom got herself a boyfriend. He is like twenty five years old.

- That's so shady man.

- Yeah, I know.

- Want something to change your mind ?

Nick asked looking expectantly at the boys.

- Like what?

He took off a small bag from his pocket. There was small yellow pills with a smiley on it inside.

- Ecstasy?

He smiled. All the boy immediately agreed to take one like it was candies. Zayn hesitated for a moment before taking and swallowing it. It didn't took long before all of them were elaborating a plan to get into Liam's neighbor backyard to dip in the pool.

When they finally manage to get in, Liam was the first to remove his clothes and jump in the pool. Zayn had a hard time ripping his eyes off Liam's muscular body that was now glittering under the moonlight. Liam was an attractive dude, no doubt about it.

Zayn removed his shirt and then his pants. He became hesitant when it was time to get naked. He could feel Nick's eyes on his body and he didn't like it at all.

His head was pounding and his heart was racing. Everything around him became too fast to some points and it's only when he woke up the next day that he realised something was wrong.

He was naked in a bed that wasn't his. He had a strange sensation that he needed to remember something but he couldn't remember what.

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