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- A

Zayn POV

The reality hit me in the face right when I woke up the next morning. I had sex with my step dad... and it was amazing. I know I should have felt weird about it but no, I didn't. Not only I cheated on my "boyfriend" but I also did the worst thing possible to my mom.

I hated to think about it. Harry didn't belong with her. He was perfect when he was mine. I knew it was selfish but I also knew that's how things should be, it was meant to be between us. Harry and I, waking up in the same bed. It was so.... natural.

Just like sex with him last night was. I never thought he would let me top but apparently, he liked it... well I hope he did. I was insecure about my performance, just like any other guy my age.

What if he didn't liked the way I did it. Was it long enough? Harry was experimented regarding sex, much more than I was. Even if it wasn't with other men, he did it multiple times before.

I was lost in my thoughts when I felt Harry's fingers brushing the skin on my back. It was gentle and warm.

- Hey...

- Hey... Good morning.

- I must say that yesterday was amazing.

- You really think so?

He smirked before kissing my shoulder.

- You have to go to school today.

I grunted loudly.

- I don't want to.

- Well if you don't want your mother to kill you, you have to. And keep yourself out of trouble for once.

I rolled my eyes and got out of bed.

- About your father Zee...

- I don't want to talk about it.

I stopped him, putting my pants on.

- We should talk about it.

- Harry, don't. Please just don't. I'm not ready.

- Alright.

I put my tshirt and my socks looking at the time on my cellphone to find multiple messages from Liam asking me to come to his house the previous night.

- Who are you talking to?

Harry asked from the bed, seeing me type on my phone.

- Ugh... Liam. He asked me where I was yesterday night.

- Like it's his fucking business...

- Harry... technically he is my boyfriend. It Is his business.

- I don't like him.

- Really? Couldn't tell.

I said sacastically, smiling at Harry's jealousy. It was so sexy the way he was claiming me his.

- I'm just scared to lose you... over him. You know he is younger, he have a nice body, deep brown eyes. Plus, he can... take your hand in public...

- Harry... I know why we have to hide this and Liam has nothing on you. Absolutely nothing.

- Did you guys ever... You know...

- No... We did stuff but we never fucked.

- Even that time on the recording?

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