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Zayn POV

My father.  I dreamt of seeing him here for so long but now that he was in front of me I had nothing to tell him.

- It's funny how you want to talk now when you had no intention to when you were with your new family yesterday.

- Zayn, don't talk to your dad like that.

- No mom. He lost the right to be a dad the day he decided we weren't good enough for him. Did you know he is living with a new woman?


He shout making me jump.

- I'm still your dad, like it or not young man. I'm here to talk about your new.... frequentation.... Liam? Isn't it? Listen Zayn, I understand that you were confused when I left, but that rebellious phase needs to stop. If you did that to catch my attention, well done.

- You told him?

I asked angily to my mother.

- No hunny... I didn't.

My father dropped a pile of pictures in front of us.

- This is not how I raised you son.

After looking at the pictures, I realised that they were taken from the video Nick took of Liam and I.

Nick. What a fucking asshole.

- You won't ever see that boy again. You need to find a nice girl and stop that immediately.

- You have no right to tell me what to do anymore.

I said, my voice filled with anger and sadness.

- Excuse me sir, but Zayn didn't do anything wrong. This is how he is. If he likes boys, there's nothing you can do about it.

- And you are?

- Harry Styles. Trisha's boyfriend.

- You like them quite young now Trisha?

- Yasser, if you came here to insult my son and my boyfriend, I think that it's time for you to leave.

- You will let him become one of these disgusting men ?

- I'm gay dad. Like it or not...

That's when he slapped me across the face hard. I couldn't believe it. My dad sure gave me corrections before but he never hit me in the face in that. My eyes filled with water as I let everything sink in.

I turned my heels, and left for my room without another word. I heard Harry asking him to leave immediately. I was thankful for him but I was humiliated that he had to see that.

I knew he would come to my room to check on me but I couldn't face him right now. I just couldn't.

I opened the window and jumped out. I walked for a while to Liam's flat. No matter how much I liked Harry, he was still my mother's boyfriend. He wasn't mine.

Liam was my friend. He was someone I could rely on no matter what. He was always by my side.

I knock on his door twice, wiping my wet eyes.

- Zayn?

He asked, looking surprised.

- Can I stay here for the night?

- What happened?

He said worried.

- My dad....

He let me in, closing the door behind us. My phone buzzed and I saw a missed call from Harry and a text asking me where I was. I put my phone back in my pocket ignoring him. I was ashamed, and as always when I was uncomfortable with a situation I was trying to ignore it. Liam and I sat on the couch and he put his arm around my shoulders casually.

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