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Harry POV

Trisha invited me over for a BBQ party with her family. She said Zayn would also be there with friends. I was nervous to meet Trisha's family but she said we didn't have to present ourselves as a couple which I was grateful for.

However, I was very nervous about Zayn's reaction to my presence there also. Our last conversation ended up in a wall and I didn't know if he would behave or just being a pain in the ass the whole day.

The first fifteen minutes were very awkward. Trisha presented me to her family as a friend from work. I was a bit disappointed that she was acting like she was ashamed to be with a younger man but I didn't really care. It wasn't like we were in love or something like that.

Finally after a while I spotted him, in the far back of the yard beside de pool. His shirt was on his shoulder and he was wearing a beanie.

He had as usual one of those cancer sticks in his mouth and he was telling a story to the guy beside him, laughing like I never seen him laugh before.

I immediately recognized the other guy. It was the boy on the video in bed with Zayn. He was tall and muscular. He had multiple tattoos and he had that bum vibe around him. I didn't like seeing Zayn that close to him. He looked like bad news.

I got caught staring when they both turned to me at the same time. The tall boy whispered something to Zayn, caressing his back lightly as he did.

Zayn nodded and walked toward me.

- What are you doing here?

- Your mother invited me.

- It's supposed to be family only.

- Well how about the boy you are with? I suppose he isn't family since you two ended up naked in the same bed.

- Liam is my bestfriend. Don't start talking shit Harry, it's my house here.

He said looking around nervously.

- You should put your shirt on, he is looking at you like a piece of meat.

- How about.... no?

- Whatever Zayn.

As we were arguing Liam walked up to us and put his arm protectively around Zayn.

- You must be Harry.

- This is him.

-Liam. Zayn's ... friend.

The way he said friend made me think that he wanted more than just being "friend" with the boy.

- So about what you saw the other day...

- Breathe, I won't tell anyone... Except if you tell me that you are the low life asshole who gave the drugs to Zayn.

- No, it wasn't me. I would never intentionally put Zayn in that kind of situation.

- Good to know that we're on the same page young man.

- Zayn, how about you go and pick us beer ? I would like to have a talk one on one with Harry.

Zayn looked at him weirdly but left anyway shaking his head.

- Now listen to me Harry, I don't know what you are playing to, but you are not Zayn's father and you will never be. Keep your over protective ass away from him. He is hurt enough as it is, he doesn't need more family drama, especially not from a little poser that will be in his life and leave afterwards because let's be honnest Trisha will see clearly in your game soon enough "young man".

He concluded and turned heels before leaving toward Zayn. I watched as he put his hand on Zayn's shoulders squeezing him reassurly.

For an unknown reason, I didn't like him and for a moment I thought about how I wished I could ripped his hand away and put mine there instead. Until I heard Trisha calling my name.

The rest of the afternoon I followed Trisha around like a lost puppy, eyeing Zayn from afar.

Liam eventually left, not before hugging Zayn like he was his. He looked at me and smiled arrogantly. My fists clenched automatically when he did.

- Are you planning on staying the night?

Trisha asked seductively making me break the eye contact with Liam.

- Yes, I drank a little too much to drive back home.

- Good, I will go take a shower since everybody left already.

- Ok. I will help cleaning.

She kissed me but I couldn't bring myself to really kiss back feeling Zayn's eyes on us. She left and I started cleaning around. I didn't thought he would, but he helped me.

- What Liam had to tell you earlier?

He asked out of the blue.

- He was clear on the fact that he didn't like me. He asked me to be kind with you. I can tell he likes you a lot. 

I said testing the water.

- Liam isn't like that.

- I think he has feelings for you.

He shifted uncomfortably from a feet to another. 

- Would you consider something with him if I was right?

I asked, the words tasting bad in my mouth as I said them.

- I ... don't know. Maybe... don't tell my mom please.... She can't know.

- I would never out you to your mother.

- She would tell my dad and he wouldn't come back... ever...that's for sure.

- When is the last time you talked to him?

- The truth is he didn't called me since he left home four months ago. My mom said she talked to him once but he was busy and would call back. He never did. I don't blame him, I'm not the son he wished for.

He wiped his eyes quickly, trying to hide his embarassment.

- Don't put yourself down like that Zayn. I'm sure the reasons why he left had nothing to do with you.

I said risking putting my hand on his shoulder just like Liam did earlier. I thought he would leave and spite hurtful words but instead he smiled nicely. I rubbed circles on his skin with my thumb feeling angry at his father for not seeing all the beautiful things Zayn had to offer as a son. I didn't realized I was creepingly staring at him until he cleared his throat.

- We should clean around before mom comes back.

- Yeah... sure. Of course... yeah.

I said feeling nervous all of sudden. I watched as he smiled at me and continued cleaning around. He was so fucking beautiful. That's when I realized I was developping feelings for my sixteen years old stepson. God, I was in deep shit.

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