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Zayn POV

When I woke up, I felt like a truck ran over me. My head was pounding and I was feeling disoriented. I looked around to see that my clothes were on the floor beside the bed.

I dressed up and walked to the kitchen to find Liam in the same condition that I was.

- Hey Li...

- Oh, hi... Zayn.

He said weirdly, his eyes not meeting mine.

- Eh.. What happened last night?

- I ... wish I knew. We were at the pool and when I woke up we... we were in bed... together.

He said not above a whisper. I looked at him my jaw hanging low. My bottom does not hurt which is a good thing but something in the back of my head was telling me that something was off about it... like a piece of the puzzle was missing.

- You have eeehh... something here.

He said looking awfully nervous. I ran to the mirroir to see multiple love bites on my neck and collarbone.

- Shit, shit, shit. I... need to go.

- Zayn, I'm sorry, I wish I could tell you what happened but I'm as clueless as you are. When I woke up Louis and Nick were gone... However, if you know...something occured between us, I'm sorry. I know this is not okay but I don't mind like... we're still ...friends?

- I'm not gay, Liam. But yeah, friends.

- Alright. Alright. I understand.

He looked almost sad but it couldn't be, Liam's straight. He had a girlfriend.

- I should probably go, school starts in fifteen minutes.

- Eh yeah... ok... I ... I understand. Have fun at school ... mate.

He said awkwardly. Everything about that situation was awkward. I just woke up in a bed naked with another guy, who is also one of my best mate. We don't remember a single thing about the night after we swim. I might have suck his dick for all I know.

When I made it home my mom was, of course, furious. She tried to speak to me but I was too upset to talk to her. Why did she needed to go and find a young and arrogant prick to replace my father. That guy would never be my father that's for sure.

My mind drifted to the night before. I was trying to remember so hard if Liam and I actually had sex, but I couldn't.

I knew those pills were bad news. Nick is bad news.

I packed my bag and walked to school trying to clear my mind out of the bad feeling I was having. When I got there I walked straight up to Louis' locker.

He was there, talking with a girl with long brown hair and brown eyes. She was pretty but not my style.

- Louis, can I talk to you?

- Hey eh Zayn... what's up?

- Can I talk to you, alone.

He nodded before whispering something to the girl before leading the way to the nearest bathroom.

- Listen mate, I know that Nick went too far this time, I told him to stop, but you guys were enjoying it before I left.

- What were we enjoying Louis?! I can't remember a single thing.

- Shit...

- Shit what?

- I was fine and you guys took the same pills as me so I thought you were also... that you were just a bit out of it.

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