thirty one

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where r u

buying snacks wit the guys

well why the fuck did u guys leave me with jimin hes being an ass

also can u get me an iced macchiato thanks



im just trying to sit here and wait for the plane but jimin keeps teasing me and i wanna punch him

do it

no im a nice person

im buying ur drink brb

ok thank u bb

"Oooh, texting your crush I see?" Jimin nudged her, a teasing smile on his lips.

Yuna groaned. "Shut up, Jimin! I'm tired of your shit."

"Quit lying, you love me." He laughed and leaned back in his seat with his arms behind his head, closing his eyes.

"Oh, and by the way, your little boyfriend gets anxious when the plane takes off, so don't blush when he holds your hand." Jimin smirked, running a hand through his pink hair.

Yuna didn't say anything and continued scrolling through her phone.

"We're back!" A voice yelled. The pair looked up to see Jungkook holding bags and the rest of the guys trailing behind him.

"Finally, thank God! I was this close to drop-kicking Jimin in the face." Yuna rolled her eyes. He pretended to look hurt as the boys began laughing.
They took empty seats and began distributing the food.

 They took empty seats and began distributing the food

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"Here's your drink." Taehyung handed Yuna a clear cup. "Thank youuu~"

"Okay, listen up." Namjoon cleared his throat. "We're boarding the plane in 30 minutes, so hurry up and eat, okay? It's a two hour flight, you guys know who you're sitting with?"

The rest of the group muttered a 'yes' while Yuna gave a thumbs up.

"Want some?" Taehyung nudges Yuna, handing a bag of gummy bears to her.

She clasps a hand over her chest, dramatically wiping her tears. "You know me so well."

He lets out a genuine laugh, eyes crinkling at her cuteness.

Yuna quickly snatches the bag and pops three in her mouth with a grin on her face. "Want thum?" Her voice is muffled due to the gummies. She doesn't give Taehyung a chance to answer before she's forcing a gummy bear between his lips and his eyes go wide. He finishes the treat and chuckles. "Thanks?"

"You're welcome."

Less than 5 feet away, Seokjin snickers and nudges Jungkook. "Those two are disgusting. They need to just date already, it's getting on my nerves."

Jungkook hums in response, eyeing the two carefully.

"Yuna's pretty. She fits Taehyung too." He mutters.

Seokjin quietly claps, as if he only wanted Jungkook to hear. He secretly whispers. "Then let's make it our mission to get them to date! Operation Taena- wait no Yunhyung, no, not that either... Operation Taehyung-and-Yuna commence!"

Jungkook stifles a laugh. This was gonna be one hell of a ride.

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