fifty nine

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**theres an important message at the end of this chapter regarding the black lives matter movement. i hope all of you will take the time to read it and gain a little bit of knowledge on the current situation 💚

"Okay, we have a week left-," Jungkook began before he was rudely interrupted by a familiar voice.

"A WEEK? I don't ever wanna leave." Yuna pouted, curling up closer into Taehyung's chest as he played with her hair with one hand while his phone was in the other.

Not even a week and these two are acting like they've been married for 12 years.

"As I was saying," Jungkook rolled his eyes at Yuna. "We have a week left and I think we should go to an anime store."

Jin sighed as a small chuckle escaped his lips. "You can go yourself."

Jungkooks lips formed into a pout before he shot up, "But it's fun with someone else there!"

"I'll go!" Yuna grinned from excitement. "And me." Taehyung chimed in from behind her, not paying any mind to the conversation.

The group was scattered across the Airbnb. Yoongi and Jimin were in the kitchen chatting while the rest were sitting in the living room. It was 11am and they were trying to find somewhere to eat for lunch.

"Hey guys, idea!" Jimin somewhat yelled from the kitchen.

"What?" Taehyung shouted back, his loud voice sending vibrations down Yuna's back. She instantly sat up due to the weird feeling and gave him a weird look. He raised his eyebrow at her before pulling her back into his chest with his free arm. No one paid the two any attention anymore after getting used to their couple antics.

Yuna giggled and Jimin continued, "How about we order in today and just chill at the house?"

"Ummm I would like that for lunch but can we pretty please go walk the city in the evening and eat out for dinner?" Yuna batted her eyelashes at Jimin who pretended to puke at her motion.

"Why are you asking me Yuna? Ask Joon." He laughed.

She turned towards said man expectantly. "Yeah that's fine."

"Oh Jungkook we can go to the store and library today!" Her eyes lit up and so did his when he realized. "Hell yes!"

"Okay who's ordering food?" Hoseok finally put his phone down.

"You." Yoongi said nonchalantly as he walked towards the living room to fetch the remote.

Hoseok sighed before picking his phone back up again and dialling the number. He didn't have to ask to know anyone's orders.

Yoongi put on a random movie as they dove into their usual talks while waiting for their lunch.


"Food's here!" Taehyung yelled right before the doorbell rang.

After getting situated in their spots with their favorite Japanese meal in front of them, they put on an anime called Haikyuu.

** if you have not watched haikyuu you will not understand these next few lines. so i advise u to watch it 😏😏

"D-Did you just say you hate Oikawa???" Yuna choked on her takoyaki after she heard what Yoongi said.

"He's annoying."

"Yoongi. Just shut up."

Taehyung groaned and slapped his hand over his forehead. "I swear Karasuno needs more liberos. Noya can't carry them all the time!"

"Bro Daichi exists! He's a god!" Jungkook yelled at him.

"Taehyung I don't tolerate any Haikyuu boy slander. Even from you." Yuna narrowed her eyes at him before harshly chomping on a piece of seaweed.

"God I love Tanaka." Hoseok doubled over in laughter.

"Wait Hoseok you're Oikawa and Yoongi is Iwaizumi!" Yuna spat out her drink at her hilarious realization as the other boys laughed.

"H-Holy shit, I'm going to puke b-because I'm laughing so much." Jimin's eyes watered as he tried to contain his laughter.

"I feel bad that Kiyoko has to put up with those annoying Karasuno boys." Jin slurped his noodles.

"Tsukki is so cute I love him." Yuna gushed.

"Cute? You have got to be joking me." Yoongi chuckled.

"Tsukishima's character development is my favorite though, I can't lie." He said after.

"Where is Nekoma, enough of Seijoh" Namjoon eyed the screen.

"Rude, but also same. Where is my baby Kenma?" Yuna agreed.

"I thought I was your baby.." Taehyung turned to Yuna and gave her puppy dog eyes.

"Shut up." Everyone said in unison.

ok here is the important message! it might be a little hard to hear but its so important to be educated on topics like this

tw// death, murder

#BlackLivesMatter. everyone is trending this hashtag on twitter to bring light of recent events and all other related events in history.  i wanted to bring awareness to all my readers because everyone should be treated equal no matter their skin color. racism and white privilege is very prevalent in the united states and it needs to change. black people are being wrongfully convicted and/or murdered by cops. examples include George Floyd who was ACCUSED of using a forged check, and was therefore suffocated by a white cop using his knee on the scene. Willie Simmons was given a life sentence for stealing $9. Aiyana Jones, a 7 year old girl, was shot in the head by a cop who raided the wrong house. Julius Jones, an innocent teenager who was wrongfully convicted for a murder, is going to be executed by the state of oklahoma. all while these cops are only being fired. these racist cops are only being punished with the bare minimum despite MURDERING these innocent people. i can name many more, but i will stop there. there are protests going on in minneapolis for George Floyd. its important that i note these people of all races are unarmed, fighting for justice while cops use tear gas on them. i should also note that they are wearing masks due to covid 19. but what i dont understand is that when ARMED white people (who are also not wearing masks)  riot, cops do nothing but sit back and take it. it just shows how unjust this country is. no matter where you live, i hope all of my readers understand and acknowledge that black lives are as important as everyone elses.

so this message was wayyy longer than intended, but if you read the entire thing, thank you 💚


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