sixty four

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** heyy... how yall doin............ anyways lets pretend i never went on a 50 year break also im gonna end this story ASAP and then im never gonna write on here again 😡😡

 anyways lets pretend i never went on a 50 year break also im gonna end this story ASAP and then im never gonna write on here again 😡😡

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taeasian yuna was asleep on my shoulder the whole plane ride 😂😅🤣😨😰🤯🤯😳🥴😯😜😋🤪🥰😘😍

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yunaruto ok
mommajin ok ?
jiminpk ok 😂
jungkoo ok 🤨
yoongz ok ...
joon_n okay 🔥
hseokk ok 😳

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