Peter's Dream - Part 1

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~ indicates author's note

-peter's pov-

The air was sharp and frigid around Peter Parker as he shoved covers over himself. He had been trying desperately to fall asleep for the past hour. Yet every time he would almost drift off, you popped into his head. Your sweet laugh echoed in his ears, beautiful eyes seemed to stare into his and see his every thought. He longed for you to be his. But you weren't. You were Jack's. 

You had been with your asshole of a boyfriend for around 2 years. Peter cursed himself every time the thought of you two together came to his mind. Jack was always in the way. Had been since the moment Peter introduced you. It was as if Jack saw Peter as a threat from the start.

Peter had met Jack a few weeks prior. The two of them worked in the same building and started talking a bit if they had time. The two had bonded quickly, yet Peter still had a weird feeling about Jack. He was always nice to him, inviting him out with his friends, and now it was Peter's turn. Peter had told you, his best friend, all about his new "friend." You had seemed intrigued in getting to know someone who was becoming close to your best friend. They surely had to be special if Peter let you two meet. 

The two of you clicked instantly. You didn't, however, miss the strange glances he was sending Peter's way when you talked. Peter took the looks as a hint to leave and offered to go get some more drinks. He left in a hurry, leaving you and Jack to bond. From that night forward, you were almost inseparable.

Damnit, if he hadn't introduced the two of you years ago, you might be Peter's right now. Lying next to him, snuggling into his chest. The feeling of your warm breath tickling his ear, his neck, torso...

He finally fell into the deep dark of sleep. Utter darkness surrounded him, encased him. Then, as if his previous thoughts summoned you, there you were. A white, dim light outlined your perfect body, shaping your hair, your face. You walked towards him slowly, a teasing smile adorned your shaped facial features. You halted when you stood so close to Peter that he could feel the heat of your body. Your lips lightly brushed against his. Without a hint of hesitation, he grabbed your face gently and pressed your lips to his. 

He had waited years to kiss you like this. Years. He had dreamt of this moment ever since he finally realized his heart belonged to you. You pressed your body against Peter's, letting his hands drop to wrap around your waist. You rested your elbows on his broad shoulders and deepened the kiss. Peter felt like he was flying. There had to be something looking out for him somewhere, because somehow, in this God-forsaken world, you were kissing him. Leaning into him. Grazing your fingers down his body. You backed Peter up until his back hit a wall that had formed of nothing. It held firmly, allowing him to lean into it as he felt every last bit of your skin touching him.

He reached around to squeeze your ass firmly, earning a sensual gasp from your lips. Peter used that as an opportunity to slip his tongue in between the parted muscles. You allowed him to explore your mouth, even encouraged it by continuing to let out gasps and moans.

Peter tugged on the hem of your shirt, encouraging you to take it off. You pulled away from him hesitantly but made sure his eyes stayed on you as you slowly slid the cotton up your body. You tossed the item to the side, where it seemed to vanish into the darkness that still surrounded you.

Peter followed your lead, tugging his own shirt off and throwing it into the void. As soon as the item vanished, his mouth returned to yours. He kissed you passionately, tenderly.  It was eager and messy and incredible, just like he had always imagined it would be. 

You pulled away again, earning a whine from the man that instantly halted when he watched your pants slide down your legs. You looked down at yourself, radiant and free and half-naked, before looking back up to Peter. Your face became a dark shade of crimson as you took in the way he was gazing at you. His pupils were blown wide, full of lust. 

The man used his pointer finger to lift your chin up, forcing you to look into his eyes. He reached his other arm to your waist again, pulling you to him. He gave you a chaste kiss before pulling back to look back into the (y/e/c) pools he loved so much. You slid a hand in between your bodies, letting your fingers graze over his abs. Then, without any warning,  you dipped your thumb into the hem of his pants and let it sit there. Such a tease. 

Peter's pants were now impossibly tight. You seemed to notice this, because you immediately sank to your knees in from of him. You held his intense stare whilst you unbuckled and pulled off his belt with one swift motion. In a matter of seconds, his pants were around his ankles, your hand reaching into his boxers. He sucked in a deep breath, and

He woke up to a wet feeling surrounding him. His eyes snapped open so fast at the realization of what had just happened. Shit, shit shit shit... Another wet dream. Another wet dream about you. When was this going to end, Peter wondered to himself. He wasn't sure how long he could deny his feelings for you before he went absolutely insane. 

The man sat up quickly, pushing the bed sheet aside. He surveyed at the damage that lie sprawled across the front of his boxers. Damn, you got him good. He let out a deep, frustrated sigh and perched his elbows on his knees. Peter allowed his face to fall in his hands, and he rubbed his tired eyes. He sat there for a moment, contemplating what in the hell he was going to do about all this, but was interrupted by the light flicking on. He raised his head quickly, gaze shooting immediately to the now wide-open door. You leaned against the frame, surveying the scene in front of you. You looked at the rumpled sheets, equally rumbled hair, and then finally down to the rest of Peter, who was a complete mess. You wondered what had happened to cause such an incident.

"(Y/N)? What're you doing here?"

~thanks for reading :') 


edited 7/5/21

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