Peter's Dream - Part 5

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Peter felt you rest your head on his shoulder. He tensed a little without realizing, but as soon as he noticed, he relaxed and rested his head on yours. Stay calm, he thought. It's just you, his best friend. That's it. Sure, he had feelings for you, but he knew they wouldn't go anywhere. You didn't feel that way about him, or at least he didn't think so. He could feel his heart beating fast.

--------time skip---------

Peter lied in his bed that night. As usual, he couldn't sleep. He kept thinking about all the things that have happened over the past few days. Everything went to hell so quickly, it surprised him. Things haven't been this intense since the last time you and Jack fought. He wondered if this would be the end, if you were finally done with him for good. He sure hoped so. He was so tired, tired of seeing you hurt. Tired of seeing you cry. Especially tired of seeing you cry over that bastard that didn't deserve you. He doesn't deserve you. You deserve the best, which is basically anyone but that coward pressuring you into having sex with him. The more you thought about it, the angrier you got. He hurt you. He hurt you. He hurt you. How dare he.

You walked into the doorway, knocking on the doorframe lightly. He looked up, only being able to see your outline.

"Hey," you said.

"What's up? Did something happen?"

"No. I just can't sleep. Whenever I close my eyes, I see things. I hear things. I feel things..." You trailed off.

"You wanna come and lay in here? It's way more comfortable than the couch, and it's warm."

"Sure," you said with a small smile. "That would be nice."

You walked over and lifted the covers, slipping under easily. You made yourself comfortable easily, laying your head on your hands which were resting on the pillow, facing Peter. He just looked at you. You met his eyes. You smiled slightly.

"What?" you asked.

"Huh? Oh, nothing," he replied.

"You sure? You're lookin' at me like I have a face made of pie or somethin'," you said with a small laugh.

"Oh," he laughed. "No, no. As much as I'd love to meet someone whose face is made of pie, that's not you."

"Than what's up? C'mon Peter, we've known each other forever. I can tell when something's wrong."

"It's just that... I can't stop thinking about that bastard. He hurt you, (Y/N). I can't get past that. I can't imagine why someone would do that to such an amazing person who clearly doesn't deserve it."

You just looked at him. His face scrunched up angerly when he talked about Jack. Sure he was your best friend, and he's upset that that happened to you. But he seemed almost too concerned. Not in a bad way or anything, but in a less friendly way and more in a... no, that can't be it. He's just worried about me, you thought. Peter told you to try to get some rest, you both are going to get breakfast in the morning and are getting up early. You turned over and closed your eyes. You eased yourself to sleep by imagining, what if...

---------another time skip bc sleep----------

You woke to birds chirping outside the window and a soft light coming through and hitting your face, warming it. You scrunched your face and turned over, trying to avoid the light. You heard Peter chuckle.

"What?" you asked, slightly irritated.

"Nothin', you're just cute when you're tired."

You could have sworn your heart stopped for a good second. Did Peter Parker, your best friend, your crush of you don't know how long, just call you cute? Omg, omg omg omg omg. Peter walked out of the room and left you to internally freak out over that comment. He's never said anything like that to you before. Yeah, he's called you amazing and beautiful and stuff like that before, but that's more in a friendly manner. This just felt... different. Your head swirled.

Peter walked into the kitchen, getting out the ingredients for pancakes. He started the stove, put the pan on the burner, and started cooking. He even added chocolate chips, your favorite. It then hit him what he said to you. Shit! He just basically gave away that he has feelings for you. He hoped you didn't notice. Besides, he's called you beautiful and stuff like that before in a friendly type of way. He hoped you'd brush it aside as one of those friendly times. He finished the pancakes and placed them on a plate with cherry blossoms on it, placing a fork and knife next to the pancake. He fixed it up just how you like and set it on the table with a glass of water. He walked back into his bedroom to tell you your food is ready. He opened the door to see you clipping your bra. He blushed profusely at the sight of you in your short athletic shorts and bra.

"S-sorry. I just came to t-tell you that your food is ready."

"Oh, thanks," you said with a small smile. He walked out of the room and you flopped down face first on the bed, internally screaming at the look on his face. His face went red. You wondered if that was just because he caught you off guard or if it was because you were shirtless. No, that can't be. Just leave it alone, you thought. You stood back up, tugging your shirt on and walking out to sit at the table. The two of you exchanged a few words in the first few minutes. The air felt awkward. Eventually, Peter made a joke which pushed the awkward air aside and brought you two back to your normal, joking selves. Good ol' Peter, always knowing how to make me smile.

Peter laughed with you at his stupid joke. He loved being able to make you laugh, make you smile. God, that smile. Your smile made his heart stop in his throat. The way your lips move upward slightly, how your cheeks and eyes scrunch up. No one had ever made Peter feel like this before. So this is what love feels like. He joked along with you like usual. Everything was going great. You two exchanged conversation and such. He eventually stopped talking and just looked at you with a satisfied smile. He looked at all your features, your beautiful eyes, the way your hair falls in them and you push it away. He admired your rounded cheeks, your jawline. He couldn't think of anything more perfect than you. You were his everything. He wanted you to know that.

"Earth to Peter," you said, waving your hand in front of his face. You giggled.

"Huh?" He said, shaking his head and looked you back in the eyes.

"You good?"

"Yeah, I just kinda spaced out."

"Okay cool, I thought I lost ya for a second."

"Nope, just thinking," he paused for a moment. "You know you're the best thing that's ever happened to me, right?"

You just looked at him, smiling like an idiot. You looked down at your food to avoid his eyes. You felt as if you met them all your feelings would come spilling out like word vomit.

"What?" you chuckled.

"I'm not kidding, you're like, the only person who's stuck by me through thick and thin, you've put up with my shit for so long. I really, really appreciate you, and I wanted you to know that. I think you're perfect."

Your face turned a bright red. You looked him right in the eye and said with all seriousness, "I'm actual trash. You're the perfect one. You always know how to make me smile, make me laugh. You support me through all of my terrible decisions, and I can't put into words how happy you make me. You make me so happy, and whoever you were imagining on the couch yesterday is a pretty lucky girl if I do say so myself." You gave a little wink and smiled like you just told him who Batman's secret identity is.

Peter stared at you in pure horror. You watched as all the color drained out of his face.

"So who is she?"

"W-what? Th-there's no one, it, uhm..." You laughed as he struggled to put sentences together.

"Peter, spit it out!" You laughed again, your sides hurt.


You stopped laughing. You felt your heart rate speed up. The butterflies in your stomach are back. They're flying all around, kind of like they're on crack or something. You feel yourself melting into your chair.


Hope you liked this chapter. I am absolutely obsessed with writing this. Have a good day! 💜-alwaysthegeorges-💜

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