Peter's Dream - Part 4

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Jack and you had been dating for 2 years. Yes, you really liked him, ever since your second date. However, when Peter Parker, your best friend since diapers introduced you two, it felt as if he was pressuring something to happen with you. You two started dating and were pretty happy. He was a gentleman, sweet, caring, all that cheesy stuff. It was going well until 8 months in you realized something was wrong. Every time you talked to Jack, looked at him, thought about him, etc; you realized you didn't feel the way you did when you hung out with Peter. Your heart fluttered with Peter. It stood still with Jack. You got butterflies in your stomach and got nervous around Peter, while you just felt happy around Jack. You didn't know what was up, but it was something.

Fast forward to a year and a half later. It was yours and Jack's anniversary of your first date. You guys went out to dinner, then to a movie. During the movie, Jack wouldn't stop putting his hands everywhere, placing his hand on your thigh and moving it upwards under your skirt, etc. You didn't want to hurt his feelings or shoot him down harshly, but you still didn't know what was going on in your head, so you didn't feel comfortable with giving yourself away to him. You didn't want to make this mistake. When the movie ended and y'all went home, Jack opened the door for you. You stepped in and he went in after you, closing it. He grabbed your wrist before you could get further into your apartment, yanking you into him. Your vision started to blur, your breathing getting fast. He pushed you against the door and started kissing down your neck. You tried to keep quiet about it. He pulled you off the door, stripped your shirt off and forcefully took you to your bed, pushing you down and closing the door. He went back to kissing down your body. Your vision got even more blurry, and you began to panic. You didn't want this, not at all. You weren't comfortable. You decided the only thing to do was voice your opinion, even if it hurt him. You thought he'd be understanding that you weren't comfortable with it, but no. That's not what happened at all. He started screaming at you, calling you all the names in the book. When you picked up your shirt, put it on and tried to leave, he slammed you against the closed bedroom door. You started crying as he kept screaming. He told you that you were being manipulative and selfish. He said that you were leading him on the entire night and now you're making a power move. He made you feel terrible about your decision. He's never screamed like this. It wasn't supposed to be like this. He was supposed to understand...

You wiped your tears away and basically bolted to Peter's house. Surely he would understand. He could save me from this nightmare. When you got there, he let you cry, comforting you. He was so understanding, everything Jack was supposed to be. You told Peter everything and he told you that you did nothing wrong. Peter shit on Jack, which surprisingly didn't make you angry. You didn't feel angry at Peter at all, because deep down you knew, he was right. He was right about him. Peter apologized profusely for introducing you two, saying how you wouldn't be in so much pain if you two hadn't started dating. He said he didn't know how much of a dick he was. You told Peter that this was your fault for not going through with this in the first place. You said you should've just kept your mouth shut and this wouldn't have happened. Peter made sure to assure you this was for the best, you'd regret it later if you didn't speak up. He always made you feel like you did the right thing, he always knew how to make you smile. He always knew...

Jack apologized profusely and promised to be different. You two were happy again. By the time you two had been together for 2 years, you knew. You knew exactly what was different in your heart. You knew... you're in love with Peter. That's why you felt so differently around him, thought about him all the time, your heart and stomach fluttered whenever he was around. Yeah, you were fond of Jack, but Jack wasn't Peter. Jack was Jack, and Peter was... Peter was, well, everything you could ever want. You didn't know what the best option was. On one hand, you wanted to find a way to break up with Jack in the hopes of Peter loving you too, but you were scared. Scared of rejection, scared of what Jack would do to you when he found out you were in love with someone else, someone better... On the other hand, you were wondering if you could slowly get closer to Peter while still keeping up a facade with Jack. Surely you couldn't hide it forever, but just until you could find another way out. Any other way would be better. But you couldn't think of anything else.

That's when the incident happened. Jack did something to you, something unforgivable. He did something that you would never be able to forget. He cornered you after a hard day at work. You still weren't ready for anything with him, but he wasn't having any of it. He slammed you on the bed, against the headboard, handcuffed you to the bedframe, and you. You cried and screamed. Stop, please, stop. But he didn't. He violated you in every way, and you couldn't escape it even though you desperately wanted to. After he was done, you were able to reach the keys to the handcuffs finally, after minutes of struggling. He went to the bathroom, so you escaped. You ran faster than you thought you ever could. You basically flew to Peter's. That's when everything happened, and you fell even harder for your best friend. The man who's been there since the beginning, through thick and thin. The one person you could always count on. He took care of you, knew exactly how to treat you. He knew you like Jack never could, and now never would. As much as you wished you could've gone back in time and stopped it all, you were thankful that there was at least one silver lining. You finally had your way out, and you took that and ran with it. Literally.

Sorry, this is a little shorter/less entertaining than the other parts, it just clears up the background a little more, explains a little better. Hit kinda close to home, too, yikes. Hope you liked it, have a good day! 💜-alwaysthegeorges-💜

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