"Promise?" "Promise"

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Millie's POV
(Same day still lol)

Finn has gotten everyone a room. Not rooms a single room. But it's the penthouse so there should be enough for everyone to have there own room but two people have to share. I already told sadie to say she wanted to sleep alone so I could sleep with Finn. I really was not about to let go and I haven't I've held on to him one way or another since I saw him walk out of the burning complex. Right now we're in the car on the way to the hotel I had texted everyone but Finn to say they all wanted there own rooms once we got there. I was laying on Finns lap while I did this. His fingers brushing through my hair. I never wanted to leave him. I can't leave him because if I do I don't think I could make it. I mean I almost lost him today I almost lost not only my best friend but the love of my damn life. And I never want that situation to ever present it's self again so I just won't let go. Or leave his side.... no biggie.

We pulled up to the hotel. Me and Finn went to go get us checked in. Finn was currently doing all the talking. I simply was just holding his hand one of my hands on hand and the other his forearm. His fingers were lightly brushing my hand soothing me a lot more then I'll ever actually admit to him. Once we got the room key we went up to the penthouse and sat down in the living room. Finn moved his arm so it was around me I was holding his hand with mine and leaning into his side snuggling up really close. He didn't seem to mind at all in fact he began rubbing my arm again probably sensing my tenseness. "So rooms two of us have to share" everyone looked at me and Finn. "I don't care but it's up to her" he said looking at me. I smiled "yes!" I said very excited. "I mean yeah sure cool I'm fine with it" I said trying to cover the fact that I just made a fool of my self. "Okay well then me and millie better go to bed" Finn said while moving but at the loss of contact a tear slid down my face then another. Finn saw this and hugged me so tight. "Shh it's okay" he said into my ear. I stoped crying now that he was holding me and I knew he wouldn't go anywhere. I rapped my legs around his waist as he picked me up. "Night guys" Finn said while everyone smiled and nodded. He walked us into the bed room and sat us down. I still hadn't let go and I wasn't planing on it until Finn said this. "Umm mills I have to pee really bad." He said nervously. I giggled and let him go but told him to hurry. He did hurry that's for sure. I hadn't even realized I had been crying till Finn ran up to me so quick I barley saw him move. He hugged me and my tears instantly suppressed. He pulled away from the hug but still lighting holding me and laid his forehead against mine. "Millie do you want to change?" He asked calmly. I nod and stand up holding his hand for dear life making sure not to let go. Finn turned around and let go of my hand so we could both get changed. I got out of my pants and shirt throwing them on the ground Finn did the same but instead of throwing his shirt he handed it to me. I let a few tears fall down my face as we've been away for too long. I instantly reached my hand back to his and he grabbed it so fast as thought it was just a reflex and he had held my hand everyday of his life. He turned around and hugged me from behind. "Mills it's okay I promise" he said whispering into my ear. "Promise?" "Promise". After that we walked over to the bed be laid me down though not letting go of me instead slipping in behind me. He moved us to a cuddling position. I was hugging him and his arms were rapped around me. And I fell asleep  happy, safe, and with the one i love.

(How they were laying)

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(How they were laying)

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