Long story short

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Soooo long story short of it is, I found the guy I desperately wanted to marry, it felt meant to be, it was perfect. It was perfect for the longest time and well, we had everything planned. But then out of no where (keep in mind said person and I would have been dating 4 years now if we were still together, but st the time he stop talking to me, it was 2 years) that's it...said person just disappeared from mylife, no explanation, no goodbyes, he just left... and this..this is why I'm afraid to love...
I'm terrified that when I get happy, it's all gonna collapse and I'm gonna be lost again. I don't want that pain anymore..
See....I don't know what happened to him...i don't know if he's okay...I don't know if he's happy...and all the time it scares me that he will come back into my life and I fall all over again...
I'm so sad over this guy. But I just want to be happy. I just. I don't know

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