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Missing you comes in waves. It's like some days I'm doing so much better without you and other days I don't know if I can live to see another day without you. But feelings also come in waves. They come and go. You belittled me to the point that when I lost you, I was completed lost. I was lost when you disappeared. Devastated. "Why is this happening to me?" "Why me?" Oh lord why me? Why did this have to happen to me? I learned that not everything is as it seems and even if a guy says he loves you, he might not mean it. You didn't mean it. Or maybe you did mean it and we just got caught. Caught in a whirlwind of emotions and casualties. You promised me things. You'd promise me a big happy, bright future. Did I get to see that future? Nope. You'd promise me that we'd travel from my home to a little chapel in Texas. I won't see that little white chapel. I won't see the mountains in Wyoming and I most definitely won't see you in my future. "Why did you choose me?" I'm not the pretty girl of the group. I'm not the thinnest girl, I'm not. But you showed me looks didn't matter. That if I had a big enough heart, I'd be loved. And your love felt genuine. But I guess it wasn't. Silly me. Now I have trust issues. Now I feel like everyone good in my life will slowly but surely leave me because you, my first love, left me.

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