•Oh Baby•

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                            ~Bex's POV~

        "I'm not doing it," I tell Marissa. She's been sitting quietly in her bed for the past twenty minutes with my pacing back and forth in front of our closet. Her legs swing back and forth, tilting her head left and right every few seconds. Some of the bruises that were left on in her body from Vector's abuse have faced, but some still remain with the scabbed cuts on her eyebrow, lip, and forehead. Thankfully, there was no questions asked by our professors or friends. Vectors body was also never found for obvious reasons...Alaric burnt the fucking guy to ashes.
For the past week I've done nothing but worry and study. I've been on my doctors ass since Monday. I went in for my shot, and like always, they made me take a pregnancy test. I took it with no hesitation, thinking there was no way I could be pregnant. Then, they took me into the space where they did blood tests, saying they needed to "get some things in line" before giving me the shot. After that, my mom thought it would be a grand idea to tell me I needed to come over as soon as possible because there was something wrong with Aunt Dot. Me, being the worrisome person I am, just left and went to her. There was nothing wrong with my Aunt, she was just trying to cut her hair and my mom wanted me over.
The longer I thought about it, the more I started thinking about why they would need me to take a blood test. Why did they take it after the pregnancy test? By Wednesday, the possibility of being pregnant didn't seem so crazy. Then by Thursday, I told Marissa everything and sent her to get tests because I'm "too much of a little bitch" to do it myself. Now I'm here, pacing around the room, holding a pregnancy test in my hand, putting off taking it for as long as possible.
"You'll feel so much better if you take it and find out," she says. I know she's right, but the chances of it being positive scare me. Zav and I hardly use any protection other than my shot; sometimes he'll pull out, but that's one in a while. I didn't think I could be pregnant either after what happened with Pablo, but I ended up having a miscarriage, not even knowing I was. "No matter what happens, you have amazing friends and family who will be by your side. And I'd kill Zav if he said or did anything to you because of this."
The image of her fighting him, or anyone for that matter, floats in my head, making me chuckle. She couldn't hurt a fly if she wanted to. "Will you walk to the bathrooms with me?" I ask her, bouncing anxiously. She sighs, pushing herself off her bed by her arms.
"You might be making me a aunt."

"I'M AN AUNT! Wait...holy shit, I'm an aunt," she says, slowly realizing what's going on. The both of us struggled not to look down at the test on the walk back to the room and a few minutes after. She was the first one to grab it, then threw it at me like a hot potato, not having looked at it yet.
The minute I seen that positive sign in that small circle I knew I was fucked. There's nothing I can do about it, I put myself in this situation, but it's not a good time. My relationship with Zav is new and we're still getting used to each other; it's nothing to being a child into. But them something in my mind reminds me of how I felt when I found out I miscarried and it snapped in me that maybe this was meant to happen for some unknown reason.
"I'm gonna be a mom. That's fucking scary," I say, taking in a long breath. She smiles, making her way over and hugging me. I hate hugs. Always have, always will. Awkwardly tapping her shoulders, she pulls away. "You're brothers pull out game is weak as hell."
    "I don't wanna know that." The door swings open, Alaric running inside and slamming the door shut. "Listen, I love you, but you have to stop with the slamming. We're gonna get another noise complaint." Alaric looks at me with a cocked brow.
    "I'm pretty sure I haven't been the cause of all the noise," he says, pointing his fingers at me.
    "No wonder you're pregnant," Marissa says. I cover my face with my hands. The gasp that leaves his mouth can probably be heard from the next room. He turns his body towards me mechanically, eyes wide from shock. He better be able to keep his mouth shut about this when he's around family. I'm not trying to not be the one to tell my dad of all people that I'm pregnant. It's a weird change. Going from knowing my father couldn't give two shits about me, to fearing going back to that point, is good, but also scary.
        "YOU'RE PREGNANT?!" He yells. I grab the test from where's it been laying on my pillow. He jacks it from my hand, brows pulling together as he looks it over. With his expression, I can't tell how he's feeling. He's shocked, yes, but is he mad at me for not being extra cautious? Sometimes he can get mad over little things, things that don't mean anything, and have him not speak to you for a few weeks.
    "Yeah," I say, looking at him nervously. I cross my arms, my arms pressing my hands down at my sides to stop their shaking. Shouldn't I be this nervous to tell Zav, not my cousin?
    "I knew your sex life was good with him, but I didn't think it was breaking the birth control barrier good," he says, handing the test back to me. He doesn't look so surprised anymore, his facial expression now softened.
    "That's not how it works. There's no barrier," I tell him.
   "Clearly, it doesn't work at all."  
           "You're acting weird," Zav says, rubbing the back of my leg. It's making it very hard for me to focus on my notes, but I'm definitely not complaining. As soon as he arrived, Alaric and Marissa came up with an excuse to get ice cream, so they could leave me to feel awkward by myself. The test has been hiding under my computer and I've been paranoid as hell that he's going to move it for some reason; it was the first place I seen when having to rush and hide it after he came in.
    "I'm just stressed," I mumble, fiddling with my highlighter. I feel a shift on the bed and I tense. Oh god, does he know somethings up? I didn't think I was being too obvious about my nervous mood. Am I supposed to tell him right away or wait until I get a call from my doctor with the results from the other day?
     "Is there anyway I can help?" He asks. I turn around so I'm laying on my back, my heart resting in the edge of my computer. He cocks a brow, a skeptical look on his face. "Did I do something I'm not aware of?" He asks.
    Sitting up, I turn around and lift my computer up to grab the test. Unlike Alaric had, he doesn't make a single move to grab it. Studying his expression, there's no way to reading it until he starts laughing.
    "Why the hell are you laughing, you psychopath?" I ask, running my hands down my face, the test falling to my lap. He grabs it finally and looks it open, his laughter starting to subside. "I'm pregnant."
     "With a baby?"
    "No, with a fucking unicorn; of course, a baby!" He laughs laughter, his arms sneaking around me. This wasn't how I was expecting him to react. Anger? No. Shock? Maybe. Laughing? No way, but here we are. "Why are you laughing, though? This is serious, Zavian."
    "I know, Bexley," he says, exaggerating my name because I didn't use his nickname. "It pretty funny when you think about it. Take two of the most unstable and crazy people, and have them make a child." His hands run down my arms soothingly, getting rid of some of my anxiety. I've hold him, the biggest rock has been pushed down, I should be good now. "It's not a good time, we aren't ready for a baby, this is far too new to bring a kid into, but we have no choice. I think we can do it together if we both really try, and I know we will because this is a human life and for once I'm not trying to end it."
     The corners of my mouth slowly tilt upwards into a smile. His words are much more effective than my pathetic attempts at hyping myself up about this. He didn't yell or storm off, and that to me, is what matters.
     "Be careful, they could be naked," I hear Alaric say from outside the door. I sigh, resting my forehead against Zav's shoulder. This is a rare time when they won't find us naked. The door slowly creeps open, Alaric barely peeking his head in. "It's clear."
    "You know, we do more than just have sex?" I ask him when he comes in holding a thing of ice cream. Marissa looks at us hesitantly before walking to her bed.
    "Then you're stupid. Have you seen your man? I wouldn't let him leave the bed." Most days, I don't.

    AN: This chapter is short and boring, but yeaaahhhh she's pregnant. I know a lot of you will be disappointed about this because of how long their relationship has been and the fact that they aren't stable, but it's how life works sometimes, it's how it worked out for my characters 🙂 Also! Please, especially with this story, do NOT "slut shame" any of my characters by their actions, what they wear, how many sexual partners they have, or even if they say it about themselves. It's probably one of the only thing that ticks me off in the comments (it hasn't happened with this story but I'm planning ahead). Anyways, I really hope you guys enjoyed!
    Question: What do you think about her being pregnant? How do you think Atticus is going to feel when he finds out?

 Anyways, I really hope you guys enjoyed!     Question: What do you think about her being pregnant? How do you think Atticus is going to feel when he finds out?

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