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"Those Montgomery's are like snakes sweetheart they'll attack when you least expect" My dad warned on our way back to school "it's in their nature"

"Ashton!" My mom glared at him "I told you once and I'll tell you again I will not stand for this feud nonsense anymore. It's bad enough that things came this far. I should've stopped this insanity that day at the playground when they were kids"

"That boy attacked first then too" My dad asserted "Pushed my princess off the swing"

"And she threw sand in his eyes" my mom argued "your daughter is no angel"

Come to think of it, my dad has given me every term of endearment a dad gives his daughter but never once has he called me angel.

"I also punched him and gave him a bald spot that took an entire year for him to grow out" I said feeling proud of myself. Pfft agreed I'm totally no angel.

"Aria I thought you promised me not to continue this foolishness" my mom said angrily

"I'm not" I groaned "but that doesn't mean I can't reminisce"

"It's not foolishness" my dad mumbled lowly which earned him a full on death glare from mom as I was exiting the car since we reached school.

It was already 4:25 and there was no sign of Chief Mathews or Montpoopypants. I just made my way to my car which obviously I had left in the parking lot as I went home with my parents and decided to sit on the hood of the car and wait. Good thing the weather is reasonable today otherwise I'd be baking in the sun.  A minute or two later, the Montgomery's pulled up dropping Xander off we both ignored each other. No jibe, no nasty nicknames absolutely no acknowledgement at all. He just went straight to his car and sat on the hood of his car as well.

"Copycat" I muttered to myself.

Police sirens went off in a distance and Chief Mathews stopped his black police truck with a loud screech.

"Come on we don't have all day" he said waving his hand at both of us.

"Backseat both of you" he told us as we came up to the truck to which Xander and I silently choose a side and sat in the back seat.

The ride was mostly silent, on our part that is, Chief Mathews had old county songs on full blast singing along loudly while munching on a bag of Cheetos. Twenty minutes later he stopped the truck in the parking lot of our local beach by the cliffs which was basically deserted. If you've seen the beach in the Twilight movies and make it smaller and more dreary that's how our beach looks like.

"Here" Chief Mathews said handing me a piece of paper "this is your punishment for today"

"This is a forth grade sea shell assignment" I said reading the paper

"Yeah my twin girls have a geography assignment for school and they're supposed to bring the types of shells listed" explained Chief Mathews "I want you to work together to find the perfect, intact and colorful shells"

"You're making us do you daughters' homework?" Xander raised an eyebrow

"Well if you've got a problem with it I can call Principal Stevens and.."

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