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Steven Smith, a fifty year old man, who was upset with basically anything and everything in this world not working in his favor, thought the best way to solve his woes was to burn down town hall and get even with the government. Some might call him deranged but I'd call him an idiot. Thankfully the idiot was caught before I got dragged into the case and the FBI agreed to clear my name and never even mention that I was considered a suspect.

My family was elated with my return home, even dad was willing to forget everything that happened in the last 24 hours and move on. As much I would've loved to celebrate my freedom some more, I couldn't wait to head to bed as my body was basically begging for sleep. I hadn't slept properly in over two days. I did manage to send a quick text to Aria that I'd call her as soon as I woke up before collapsing into my bed and dozing off as soon as my head hit the pillow. When my eyes opened again, I saw it was dark out looking over towards the alarm clock next to my bed it read 20:35. I had been asleep for over six hours. Searching for my phone, I found it on the floor next to my bed face down. As I picked it up, I noticed I had a lot of notifications but not one from the one person I wanted to talk to the most.

For the next two days, I tried texting Aria but no reply, I tried calling but she wouldn't pick up, I even called her friend Angela but she couldn't tell me anything. I wracked my brain as to why she would ignore me like this especially after what happened to me. I knew she was worried about me from what Dave told me and that she was trying really hard to find proof of my innocence herself. Something must've happened. But what? To make things harder we were in the middle of winter break so it wasn't like I could catch up to her in school.

"Maybe it's because of Election Day" Dave suggested. It was the night before Election Day when all the votes would be counted and the new Mayor would be announced tomorrow at noon. My dad had held a little get together at his office for his employees and campaign workers. Dave and I were seated at a table at the far end of the office.

"I don't know she hasn't even texted me even the Chief was able to text me once since all this happened and he's literally stuck in the biggest fiasco this town has ever seen" I sighed

"Well her dad has set up a tent a few blocks away why don't we just crash it and you can ask her face to face" Dave shrugged nonchalantly "I mean there is the risk of us..."

"It's a risk I'm willing to take" I interrupted him getting up and picking up my jacket with me.

"But is it a risk I'm willing to take?" Dave thought placing a finger on his chin.

"Get up I need a look out" I ordered angrily

"Screw it. I'll do it for Ari" he resigned getting up to leave with me

"Ari?" I raised an eyebrow at him questionably

"Yeah it's our thing"

"Since when?"

"The last two days have brought us close I feel" Dave shrugged

"Come on Romeo" Dave laughed punching me slightly in the arm "this isn't the time to play jealous boyfriend"

"Play? I was this close to punching you in your teeth" I glared at him angrily but chose to ignore it and continue walking.

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