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"Alright let's start from the beginning, you say at midnight you were in the garden next to town hall you sat on a bench, drank some coffee, unknowingly left your phone there and then spent the rest of the night in your car by the beach," the FBI agent said going over my story.

"Yes that's what happened" I repeated with my arms interlocked

"And you expect us to believe that" he retorted throwing my statement on the table to make a point.

"My client has been very transparent with law enforcement" my lawyer spoke up who was sitting next to me "he has been interviewed thrice, once by the local sheriff's department and twice by your agency and his statement hasn't changed"

"As far as I'm concerned, he's still our number one suspect. He's the only person proven to be at the scene of the crime before it happened" the FBI agent said

"It wasn't on fire when it left," I said exhausted at this moment "there must be some CCTV footage that shows I'm innocent"

"We're looking into it" the agent replied "it might take a day or two before we get all the information needed. Till then we need to keep you in custody"

"WHAT! I'm stuck here for two days! But I didn't do anything" I yelled

"The moment we find proof of your innocence we'll let you go" the agent shrugged "I'll leave you with your lawyer to discuss anything you want for a few minutes then we'll take into you into custody" he added before he left the interrogation room.

"You can't let them keep me here" I looked to my lawyer in desperation.

"Mr. Montgomery.."


"Alright, Xander Montgomery"

"Just call me Xander for God's sake Akash," I said through gritted teeth

"It's Mukesh, but if you insist I'll refer to you as Xander. Unfortunately, Xander, I can't do anything till I have substantial evidence that you're innocent as it's a federal offense but also fortunately for you they can't also outright call you the main suspect as they don't have enough substantial evidence to prove you're guilty" Mukesh started to explain but I was still as confused as before "we can submit evidence of our own like the car's GPS tracker supports your story and we can also gather any CCTV footage that is available to the public. With enough evidence we can get you out by the end of the day but just hope that it doesn't get leaked to the public that you're a suspect. Public opinion can make or break such a case as the town hall was a national monument and whoever destroyed it"

"Will become the most hated man in town" I finished for him with everything clicking in my place. No confusion what so ever after that.

"I would say state but you get my point." Mukesh added "Your father is already working on getting the evidence while I'm here and won't leave your side till we sort this out. Ok"

"They took my phone away when they brought me here. Can I at least use yours?" I asked him

"Yeah sure," he handed me a flip phone "I have a smartphone but this is easy to carry you know" Mukesh explained seeing me look at the flip phone like a foreign object.

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