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"So convince him" Jerome shrugged as he lay down on my bed. I had called him over after coming home from 'community service' and explained the whole situation with Chief Mathews to him.

"Are you insane?! My parents will disown me on the spot if I start being peaceful with the Montgomery's" I argued

"Well then fake it," Jerome said "make it look like you're friends for a while then go back to killing each other"

"Really! You think it's that simple Jerome"

"By the current situation brewing at school, it's your only option babe. The whole student body from the cheer squad to the chess club are planning against the two of you" Jerome warned "I heard the cheerleaders are refusing to cheer the next game if Xander is playing"

"That would be so sweet to watch if I wasn't somehow involved with this mess" I sighed

"They're not letting you off easy either Aria. There's definitely something brewing I find people talking then going hush just as I come into view in the hallway" Jerome said "and you know that can't be good on your part"

"I know! I feel the tension at school like literally it's like I'm in a horror movie!" I groan

"Then I guess you're going to have be fake friends with Xander, it's your only way out"

"I don't know, Chief Mathews isn't stupid Jerome. Xander and I just acting nice to each other for a few minutes won't be enough to convince him" I huffed in frustration. Just then I heard my phone ring picking it up and baffled at the number flashing on the screen. It isn't a number I've saved but I still know it all too well.

"Hello?" I say with an uneasy breath picking it up.

"Who is it?" Jerome hisses.

"Hey, it's me Xander" he says over the phone

"Okay" I say prolonging the k "did you want to tell me something or is this just a curtesy call?"

"Very funny Rockwell" I could practically see him sneering "this stuff is getting out of hand. The cheerleaders refuse to cheer next game if I'm playing now I have the coach on my ass to fix this or I'm out of the game"

"Hmm... interesting" I nod to myself

"You won't find it as interesting when they come for you next" Xander foreshadows

"Well I warned you first didn't I?" I shout a little louder than I expected "now what do you want to do?"

"I can't think straight here" Xander huffed "meet at the playground in the communal garden we'll talk there"

"Seriously you want us to meet up there" I said

"I don't have time for this! Get over yourself Rockwell"

"Whatever, Montgomery" I hang up before he can say another word.

"So I'm guessing that was Xander" Jerome deduced

"Yeah I'm meeting him at the playground"

"The playground? Where the seeds for your hatred were planted?"

"Yes that playground"

"Cute" Jerome smiled like a little girl hearing a princess story.

"What's so cute about that?" I asked

"Well it's where you two started hating each other maybe this time round it signifies a new beginning for you two. Maybe something that's the opposite of hate" Jerome wiggles his eyebrows suggestively.

"Get up and get out" I tell him throwing his jacket which was laying on my bed at his face "I don't have time for your foolish ideologies"

"You know the people who are completely against love usually fall the hardest when they meet their soulmate" Jerome said before leaving my room. I had the strong feeling of running after him and throwing something at him but I pushed the thought aside and started wearing my shoes and jacket so I could leave as well.

Loving the EnemyWhere stories live. Discover now