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Yara and Theon Greyjoy offered Daenerys their alliance and support— as well as their army and ships, and in return only asked for the Iron Islands to be independent. Daenerys accepted and demanded that the people would stop the raiding and raping, and the Greyjoys agreed.
The peace and control had been restored in Meereen, as well as the rest of Dragon's Bay. Daenerys Targaryen now had enough ships and with the dothraki her army was big enough in numbers. The dragon queen deemed it was time to sail for Westeros, and left the Second Sons behind in Meereen to keep the peace. She demanded Daario to stay behind in Meereen as well as their leader.
The journey to Dragonstone would take weeks, but Daenerys was as ready as ever. She watched over the Narrow Sea, watching as her dragons flew overhead and the flapping of their wings created small waves in the water. Missandei and Kali were by her side, smiling in silence as they watched their queen.
Sorlo stood by Barristan, Tyrion, and Grey Worm. He held his stomach as he felt sick, he had never been on a ship before— as far as he could remember.
"You know what helps me best when I feel a little sea sick?" Tyrion said and held up his cup full of wine.
Sorlo looked at the wine in disgust and shook his head, "No wine."
"Is it even allowed to say those words together?" Tyrion smiled and sipped from his cup, "Now that I'm Hand of the Queen, I'm curious to know what you plan to do once we reach Westeros?"
"First I need to tell Daenerys the truth, and then we'll do whatever she chooses is best. I doubt she will want to go north when her goal is in the south."
"What if we bring the north to her, then? My dear friend Varys informed me that the Starks won back Winterfell and are now ruling again over the north. With you, we'll have a better chance at forming an alliance."
Sorlo arched his brows as he looked at the Lannister, "You mean to summon the lord or lady of Winterfell to Dragonstone?"
Tyrion nodded, "I heard Jon Snow is King in the North now, I believe he is your cousin. I know him to be honorable and true to his word, if we convince him of who you are, he will most likely bend the knee."
"We will do nothing, not unless Daenerys knows. We can plan everything after, with her." Sorlo said firmly and watched as Tyrion nodded with his attention on the cup.
Daenerys enjoyed the view of the sea and watched with confident eyes. All these years she longed to go home, she had believed the promises of her foolish brother but now she was eager to fulfil those promises— and take back what was theirs.
"I'm surprised you didn't stay behind in Meereen with Daario. He did ask you to stay, didn't he?" Dany asked.
Kali held a calm expression on her face, "He did ask me to but my place is not beside him. If you ordered me to stay I would have, but you didn't."