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The winds became colder, the sky darker, and the fog stronger. The dead arrived at Winterfell, and charged full power towards the living.

Drogon and Rhaegal spewed their fire in a straight line, and kept distance between the dead and the living. The dragon fire was the only source of light throughout the darkness.

Jon and Sorlo stood in the distance, near the Godswood, and couldn't do anything but watch as the war began.

"We should be out there with our people!" Jon said with a face of guilt.

"We need to stay here, Jon. It's our best chance to get the Night King." Sorlo tried to ease his mind. "We need to have faith in them to handle it."

From far away, they spotted a dozen loose Wights headed their way, and both got in stance, ready to fight. As Jon pulled his sword Longclaw, Sorlo readied his bow and drew an arrow from his quiver. He straightened his posture, held his breath and released the arrow, hitting the skull of a Wight and watching it collapse on the ground with a screech.

He repeatedly shot a few more times until the rest of the Wights were too close, and he quickly dropped his bow and drew his sword instead. The impact of the attacker almost knocked him off his feet, but he stood his ground. With a heavy breath, he pushed the Wight off him and sliced right through his rotten flesh.

"He knows we are here. Get ready for more." Jon said, killing the last wight.

It made his blood run cold and his body shiver, as the creatures with the familiar blue eyes came sprinting at him. All this time he had seen them before in his dreams, and yet it was no comparison to the real thing. It was scary, and dangerous, but he would give them no easy fight.

There was no way the dead would win this war, he thought, not today.

Daenerys flew overhead the battlefield on Drogon, setting as many Wights as she could on fire.

But they just kept coming. They were too many.

In a matter of seconds, the dead and the living were killing each other. Daenerys could not risk setting her own people on fire, so she flew further away from the castle, and her army.

As she circled around, she could see a spear thrown her way from the corner of her eye, and quickly she dodged it just in time. She caught a glimpse of White Walkers down below, grabbing more spears to throw.

BLACK BLOOD. [DAENERYS TARGARYEN.]Where stories live. Discover now