Math with Namjoon🧮

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(Jungkook struggling with his math homework in his room.)
Staring at his blank piece of paper, math book open, swinging back and fourth in his chair.

Namjoon walks in.
"Hey Jungkook, need some help?"
"Nooo..🙁I'm fine."
Namjoon walks towards Jungkook's desk.
"Your papers blank, you haven't even done one problem yet.."
"I'm just...getting prepared..that's all.."
"For about an hour now? Alright let me see the book. What type of math is it anyway?"
"Oh, easy!"
"Says the one with a 148IQ...."
"Well haven't even tried to start a problem."
"Fine😩please help me🥺I don't get it.."
"Alright lets do the first one together."
X+2 = 8
"Okay so Jungkook, you're just solving for x.."
"What's x??😕"
"That's what we're trying to find.."
*Kookie's bunny ears perk up* (the light bulb finally goes off)
"Okay so let's break this problem get x alone, what do we need to do first?"
"I don't know.."
*Namjoon activating passive aggressiveness* "WHAT do we need to get RID of to get X ALONE.."
"YES! Yes yes that's correct. Now, HOW do we get rid of that 2?"
"Erasing it."
"Ye—wait no..Noooo. We still have to use that 2–,"
"I thought you said we have to get rid of it?"
" that.." *Namjoon sighs*
"Let me word this differently to make it easier to understand...WHAT mathematical reasoning should we do to get rid of that 2?"
"That's a big word.."
"Did you hear me?🥴"
"Yeah yeah..just give me a sec.."
*Jungkook stares off into space*
[10 minutes go by]
"The answer?"
"To what?"
"THE—ugh the problem? How are you going to get rid of that 2?"
"Erase it..?"
*Namjoon breaks* "SUBTRACTION!"
"But this problem is addition Hyung, see? It says plus two...not minus."
"At least you recognized that...😑"
"So...we add 2.."

From outside of Jungkook's room, Jimin and Taehyung here yelling and crying.
Taehyung: "Wonder what's going on in there?"
Jimin: "Wanna look?"
Jimin and Taehyung get closer to Jungkook's door, Jimin cracks the door open. Quietly, both boys take a sneak peek.
There they see Jungkook crying, laying his head on the desk, tears hitting the math book and papers, slowly writing and mumbling math equations. Namjoon standing with his arm crossed over Jungkook, looking frustrated and very focused.
Jungkook: "This is what my teacher showed me how to do it" he whines out.
Namjoon: "No!! That's not the way you do it!"

Jimin slowly closes the door back.
Jimin: "What were they doing?"
Taehyung: "Math homework. Reminds me of my dad and I doing math homework..."
Jimin: "Ah same. Always ended up with crying.."

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