Chapter 1# Life is perfectly... Sane

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(Authors POV)

Every family had loving and caring parents, those that spoil, and those who just showed their kid, love. But your excuse for parents hurt you, called you names, even banished you from making friends. And today is your birthday.
(Your POV)
It was another, yet miserable day. Mom and dad constantly hurt me with their bottles of beer and alcohol, I have never felt peace when I was five years old. I never understood the reason for these beatings. But every night when they were sleeping I would sneak up to their wine cabinet and take my favorite bottle of wine, Rice Wine. It made me feel alive, it made me feel satisfied with the images of my parents getting beaten to death, they deserve it. One day though, one day they will meet their end by my hand.

- next day -

(Your POV still)
I woke up at half-past six to hear my mother screaming at me to make her breakfast. "Lazy ass it yourself or ask dad, I'm like your damn maid all the time!" I grumble.
I walk into the kitchen, only to make contact with a bottle of alcohol on the top of your head. I don't even care anymore, I'm used to pain.
"Yes mom I'll make you eggs and bacon!" you replied back.
I quickly made her breakfast but I put dads in the fridge just in case. My mom never thanked me for the breakfast nor did she ever. I made myself toast and ran off with my bag for high school.

~Time skipped~

When I arrived in Vanisity High School I went to my locker and put my code in when I open my locker my, my locker was closed by a hand that belonged to no other than Heather Queeny.
"Why hello there mistake in the world! How was your nasty ass walk here?" she said in the most annoying voice you could ever imagine.
I for once in my life decided to ignore her, so she can just go away.
But I guess that was a big mistake cause once I started to ignore her, I get bitch slapped!
"Hey slut stop ignoring me!" she barked.
Me being a daredevil I do it again!
Heather's face hardens with anger.
"That's it, girls bring her to the janitors closet for me!" Heather replied in an angry voice.
I feel hands wrap around my wrist and a hand pull my hair down, I have dealt with this shit for years but I guess she'll never get bored of playing with me.

(⚠Warning⚠: If you are sensitive to the subject of rape then skip this please)

(Your POV still)
Heather's goons constantly kicked, punched, cut, and broke my wrist. Heather looked like a madwoman by now you could see the craze in her eyes and the smile that wasn't normal made the room feel smaller than usual, I felt trapped. When I thought it was over, by now I was in tears and I was bleeding and bruised up.
"Hey, Daric! Give Y/n a lot of love won't you?" She started giggling insanely. I was terrified at this point, I knew what she meant by a lot of love, she's never gone this far into doing something like this! I struggled with everything I had but the man so-called Daric put a cloth over my mouth and nose and everything was turning blurry and darkness consumed my vision.
I woke up on the ground and examined myself, I feel my upper thighs in pain and find that my f/c panties were right beside me. I remember what had happened. I remember that perverted man had raped me, I felt violated, melancholy, and alone. Alone because I knew no one was there for me. Alone because I knew no one cared that I was hurt. I get up and put my panties back on and my skirt, and limped back home.
(You can read now people who didn't want to read this part)
~skipped time~

It was dark, and I needed to hurry home, you never know what could happen at night. I arrive back at home only to see my parents fast asleep, I sigh in relief that I won't get beaten by them, I go into my room and put my headphones on to listen to y/f/s (your favorite song) while doing history homework, while I was doing homework, I feel myself slowly form a Cheshire smile, and oh boy! Their was a good reason why! I just realized this was the perfect opportunity to eliminate mother and father. I could finally end their lives like a panther stalking it's prey. I creep down to dads office where a beautiful dagger layed on his desk, I knew dad had a thing for different knives and their potential, I picked up the dagger and and it had a f/c halo engraved on the handle, I loved the detail, the passion put into this beautiful blade. (btw if you don't want that blade design I made then I'll give you my ideas, these blades I own.)

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