Chapter 5# A unexpected visitor

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- In your dream -

I woke up in a dark and ominous room. I know I love the quiet but this was too quiet for my taste. I try to wander around the room but it's like my feet were glued to the floor. I look around, the scenery changed around me. I saw myself as a small little baby, at a doorstep, I try looking at what the man or women's face looked like, but shadows covered it. I look over and see my supposed parents pick me up. The anonymous person was long gone before they saw them.
I saw my life speed up like lightning and everything went dark. I saw a silhouette standing in the darkness. His pupils were e/c and glowed a very dark color. He smiled wickedly and let out a raspy evil laugh.

- out of the dream -

I woke up a bit scared of what I witnessed in my dream. I already knew that I was hyperventilating, I took a deep breath and calmed myself down. I sat up and looked at my surroundings, I was in the living room. I wasn't expecting to end up in here but oh well I guess it was the closest place to set me down, I got up and heard a voice yell "NO". I looked where the voice had come from, the guest room obviously. I sneaked up to the door and listened to what was going on, I know I know I'm nosey but I did it out of curiosity, I heard Eyeless Jack's voice.

"oh good, you're awake. he said in an emotionless voice.

Wow, he sucks at manners that's for sure.

"where am I?" The girl asked

"You're in Slenders mansion, I don't know why he brought you here." He said

"Sorry, I don't know who that is," she said

"Slender man? Are you brain dead or something?" Jack said rudely

I then felt someone teleport next to me, which startled me, Slender used his telepathy, 'Why are you by the door?' he said in my head. 'You know, curiosity killed the cat I'm curious what Jack's saying to the new girl.' I say. he sighs and says.

"Jack, you better not be acting rudely to our guest!" Slender said

"Oh awesome, you're back, can I go now?" Jack says.

"You are excused," Slender says.

"Thank god!" Jack says while walking out the door.

Jack paid no attention that I was right next to the door. I hear the door to the entrance open and Toby, Masky, and Hoodie come in, Hoodie was agitated at the moment about Toby, I'm not sure what but I'm going to find out soon I bet.

"Sorry about him," Slender said.

"Glad to see you are finally awake," Slender said

The girl I bet was shocked if I could see her face.

"Sorry, but are you the Slenderman? " she asks politely, I like her politeness.

"You are correct my dear," Slender says nicely.

"Mr. Slenderman? Can you tell me why you brought me here?" She asks

"You fainted in the woods. Undead or not I figured you could use some assistance," he said

"You know what I am?" She asked curiously.

Toby starts walking right past me with Masky and Hoodie, I decided to tag along inside so I could introduce myself. Toby opens the door and says.

"Course he does!" He says confidently.

everyone gets in, I lean against the wall while everyone just stands there.

"He's Slendy!" Toby says.

"Toby, Masky, Hoodie! Glad you're back. How did it go?" Slendy asks curiously.

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