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My gun released 15 shots into this niggas chest and his blood splattered every were even on my face a lil
He was the one who shot taze so taze was picking shit up as usual and I guess he knew the schedule he ran up on taze car and shot in three times taze got rushed to the hospital and me bully and game left from there to go handle this shit
Lil homie thought he was good just chilling wit his homies till we pulled up on his ass and he fucking pissed on hisself  to damn grown to be doing that
I heard sirens coming and bully grabbed me and told me let's go but I zoned out at his bloody body
Yo fire let's go let's go"game and bully said and I snapped out of it and we ran off to the truck pulling off
Fire you gotta stop zoning out like that man"game said looking at me in the backseat
Fuck you"I said calmly wiping off my face from any blood
Fuck you to nigga"

Bully drove to a McDonald's and ordered some shit to throw anybody off and then back to the hospital so we could check on taze we got there and I threw the gun I used in a sewage drain that was near the car and we walked inside the hospital and went up to taze floor my men swarmed all over the floor and his mom sat down right infront of his room
Oh my fire have they found the man who did this"
Yes cops have caught him"
Thankyou god"
He gonna be alright ms.green god got him"game said grabbing her hand

I walked over to a window looking out of it game really was the one I was always in conflict with cause he always had some shit to say to me or would say the wrong shit at the wrong time I hoped and prayed taze was gonna be aight or else that nigga I just killed whole family was gonna be 6 feet under his friends any of that and I wasn't gonna give not one fuck
I couldn't believe game could say god got him shit why he ain't never have me what he ain't stop mugga  from dieing or Malik or Calvin he ain't stop me from nearly killing myslef or all the fucking pain and shit I been threw where the fuck was he I knew it was wrong to question god but why he keep making me loose people is that just my destiny to loose people did I deserve that shit
I guess god ain't gonna ever forgive me I'm probably satan to him all the people I've killed over these past years of my life doing illegal shit he ain't gonna fuck wit me or give me any luck at all shit I ain't deserve it probably never will we're was my sign from god that he had my back
My phone dinged and it was a text from aria
-Hey you ok how's taze-
-I'm aight no word on him yet how kairi-
-She's sleeping it's 9 so I figured to put her to bed-
-Thankyou how yosohn-
-sleep right next to her-
-aight I'll be home in like a hour-
-ok Be safe-
I put my phone in my pocket and leaned back on the window seal and thought about all the thoughts that just came into my head maybe god did actually have something for me I mean he gave me someone like aria who's a fucking amazing person she actually cared for me the way she said she did she cared for me bully and game even knowing some of the shit we did
She was nice to kairi and kairi liked her kairi usually mean I think she would read the hell out of a person and not fuck wit them but she actually like aria or should I say arena that name was halarious to me
Family of tony"the doctor walked out his mom got up and everyone crowded him and I made my way to the front of everybody
Is he good"I spoke
He's sadly slipped into a coma"
No nooooo"his mom broke down crying into bully's chest
All that shit went blank and I couldn't hear nothing I felt really fucked up right now and I looked over at his mom and she looked up at me a rushed over hitting me
This is your fault if he wasn't friends with you he would be safe your like satan"
I clinched my jaw and lifted a eyebrow
Ok ms.e since it's my fault who was there July 2nd when he needed somebody the most me not you"

I looked down at her and walked out she had me fucked up if she was gonna blame it on me I was there when taze lost his son on the 2nd she didn't even bother to show up to the hospital all cause she didn't like his baby's mother I was there supporting him he was my homie
I threw a text bully way to tell me anything new about him taze was strong I prayed he'd pull threw
I went down to the car and drove off I needed something to take my mind off this shit
I drove 15 minutes to the projects and parked putting my hood on and walked twords the door and knocked well more like banged on the door
It opened and she looked up at me smirking
What you want"
Gimme some"
Em good thing he ain't here"
Yea I know"

I walked inside all the way and she closed and locked the door and pulled me into her bedroom and pushed me on the bed and pulled my pants down and went to work on my shit
Emmm you like that daddy"
Shut up and suck my shit"I said pushing her head down
Shit she was a stress reliever for me only one that gave good head really couldn't judge me either
Fuckkk Millie"I groaned  pushing her head down more
I felt something make the bed dip and I
I slowly opened my eyes and seen fire sitting on the edge wit a bottle I got up and came in front of him
Fire gimme the bottle"I said grabbing it and he ain't fight back for it "what happened what's wrong"I said worried
He in a coma doctor said"
Oh my god"
His mother blames me 100% for him getting shot to"
It's not your fault fire you couldn't have possibly know that was gonna happen"
Man what the fuck do he want from me"
Who fire fire"
He just keep throwing shit at me"
Who are you talking about"
Shh your gonna wake them up let's go in the living room"
He got up and we walked into the living room and I grabbed his hands sitting down
Look fire you probably heard this before but god only gives the hardest journey to the strongest of people ok your strong and taze needs you to be strong"
How can I be strong for him man and I ain't strong for my damn self"
That's a lie your strong fire you wake up with the heartache of loosing your closest homies every day and take care of kairi laugh and smile when bully is around or game or me and can still tell a joke god built you to be a soldier"
God ain't gonna give me shit cause of all the fucked up shit I've done"he said getting up standing over me and I stood up
Fire stop it"
Stop what"
Stop selling this fuck sob story and sticking to that shit"
Bitch who the fuck are you to say anything about what the fuck I'm going threw"
Fire listen here I've been threw an fair amount of pain as you ok dammit you have the power to heal rise above your struggles and keep it pushing shit I know you sad I know your hurt I am to by all the shit I've been threw ok and I still cry I get mad I have bad days I wanted to kill myself but look at what you got a daughter who loves the hell outta you your mother and ya father even your brother fire you have So many blessings that you don't see everyday or look over ok so stop sulking and living in the mother fucking dark and go out in the light and live dammit"I said angry at this point
He looked down at me and slammed me into the wall
How the hell you know all this shit"he breathed out angry
Cause I been threw that shit before"I said poking my face in his "now let me go"
He let me go and I fixed my cloths "Thankyou now fire I want you to listen to this prayer I'm gonna say give me your hand"
He didn't and I snatched it
Close ya eyes"
He didn't
Close ya motherfucking eyes fire"
He did it finnaly and I started the prayer
I give you my worries and concerns and I ask for your guidance. You see it all, the outer circumstances, the inner turmoil. I know that you understand my life, that sometimes my heart weighs heavy with trouble. Right now I lay all these things before you. I breathe in, safe in the knowledge that I am held by grace. I breathe out, knowing that I am held secure in your arms. And I wait on you. For you are all truth, you are overflowing love, you are a beacon of hope and a fortress of faith.Lord, I choose to be attentive to your voice. May I be alert to your Spirit's guiding as I journey onwards with you.I love you father Almighty God, You reach into the darkness with hope, truth and light. Stretch out your strong hand in this situation, hold and rescue those who have suffered. Let your almighty love move mountains, cross seas and breathe life into the darkest places. Light that redeems.Light that restores.Light that heals.Light that protects.Light that saves.There is nothing higher, stronger or greater than your love. We trust in you. Amen"I said
I looked up at fire and he was crying and I sat him down and hugged him he silently cried on me and I held on to him
Listen fire have faith even if you give up have faith ok"
Yea aria"he sniffled an wiped his face with his shirt
I got you ok, every step of the way"I said wiping his face "what's this"I said wiping a red spot off his ear
From a lil tiny cut I picked"he said wiping his ear
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