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i opned my eyes and heard ke talking to somebody on the phone
yea she straight we good now...yea tell my babies i love them..yea we got stuff to handle tonight so we got saturday to figure stuff out....yea ma...aight i love you''
i didnt say nothing but i got up slowly realizing i was in our bed i seen money on the floor and stood up
sit down''his voice echoed threw the room
no-'' as the word came out my mouth he got up coming around the bed
what i say'' he said
i sat down on the bed and looked up at him
what is wrong with you why you not taking ya medication no more'' i asked him
cause ion need them shits no moe learn to love me for who i am''
kenen you put ya hands on me''i said looking down to the floor
aint mean to do that but you run ya mouth to free for me''
you made that change for what''
i did it for my family my kids''
right so y-''
shut the fuck up''he barked grabbing my jaw in his hands
ooww your hurting me-"
shhhhh...but as i was saying i changed for you right and that change made me think about alot of shit and as you know me thinking isnt good in my case im sick of thinking''
why didnt you tell me i could help''
no you cant aight you cant to late look at ya face baby'' he smirked wit a chuckle
i got up  going in the mirror and seen a bruise on my face it sat on my cheek like purple blush
as bad as this is I still wanna help-"
you took that ring off aint shit you can do now thats gonna fix me''
go in the bathroom and do ya makeup and get dressed we got shit to do partner''
he pushed me twords the bathroom and i closed the door locking it staring at my reflection

i love this man everything i stood by and the morals i had felt like they were washed away shit what could i do i argue im not leaving this house with just one bruise

i kill him kairi looses her dad yosohn looses his mom to many losses
so i put the makeup on and covered the bruise up

baby you good" ke asked shaking me
i tried to control my breathing but i couldnt my breathing only sped up and I felt my chest closing in
yo get a doctor asap quickly quickly'' i heard somebody yell
i felt like my breath was caught in my throat
ma'am please calm down can you hear me ma'am''
i nodded my head and in my vision i seen my brother which scared me at the same time and i stopped breathing
code blue code blue patient stopped breathing''
mamas please mane''
sir you gotta go''
im not going no fucking were gimme a suit or something im staying wit her''
sir your head is still bleeding''
gimme a suit''
i felt needles being pushed into my arm and everything was woozy and blurry my body kept shaking then things blacked out

what happned calm down''arias mom yelled to me as i tried to explain what happned
she was on her way back to the house i guess she spoke to joe and then joe called me an told me he heard a boom and her phone hung up so i hoped in my car and drove twords were she could be and i seen her car on the side of the rode the other car was against a pole i went to her car and opned the door and her arm was bleeding an she was tryna say something to me so i called 911 they got there in like 15 minutes within those minutes she started crying then she blacked out''
what just  went on in that room''
she was sleep then she started sweating and crying and then she woke up she couldn't control her breathing then the d-''i couldn't even finish my sentence before i shut down ''this shit my fault if i would've just told her what was going on wit me''
look we cant go back to what happened before but tell me what the hell happened to your face"
The lamb door fell and hit me when I went to get her out the car"
Well go get it stitched up she's gonna be ok imma tell you if anything happens"
Ok if bully or anybody-"
I got you I promise she's my baby"

I nodded and went over to a nurse showing her my cut

Do you feel dizzy or is your vision blurry"
No I'm straight"
Ok are you in a lot of pain at all"she asked as she quickly walked over to me with a gauze
Lil bit look I need this shit patched up cause I gotta get back to my girl"
Aight just follow me"
She sped off down the hallway and I followed
Your dave East right"she asked
Yea what gave it away"I asked sarcastically
Who ya girl is..you know she's gonna be ok"
You know or think that"I said wit a mug as she looked back she shook her head
I know but this room on the left"
I went inside and the doctor started working on me he wiped up all the blood on my face Nd cleaned me up as fast as he could

Other than me flinching a lil every time he put a stitch in my mind kept going to aria the best times we had kept flying threw my mind which made me smile a lil bit but seeing her like that today just made me see how much I gotta appreciate her
My phone rung and I seen joe name flash across my screen
Yea man"
Looks like homie hit aria and she swerved to the side he hit the pole died on impact"
She was on sped"
Nah not really speed limit was 60 she was at 61 according to the cops homie was high or drunk something like that man"
Aight man we still at the hospital"

He hung up after some extra information and  I seen a dude wit a camera walk in the room

Who the hell is this"
Was the accident arias fault is she gonna survive"
He said with a camera in my face
I smacked it making it drop to the floor
Get the fuck outta her before I break yo fucking jaw"I said pushing him
That's assault"
Get the fuck outta here for it be attempted murder"i balled my fist up as I said it
Sir please leave"the doctor said pushing him out closing the doors
Y'all done wit this shit yet"
Let me put the ointment  on and you can go"
Hurry up man"

The nerve of niggas bro or better said crackers fuck he thought I was gonna give him a full interview
He finished up and I got up walking back to the wing aria was at I walked over and seen bully and game and two of aria security guards holding paparazzi back they yelled disrespectful as questions as soon as they seen me come around the corner
I looked at bully and nodded and we started smashing shit and destroying cameras
Your going to jail"
I punched him square in his shit sending all of them down the exit stairs

These niggas better be lucky we not in streets"

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