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Hey ma"I said looking in the camera at aria
Hey hol on"she fixed the camera and sat it up as she fixed something on her dresser
Ok I'm back how you been"
Busy busy"
Em that's why you can't calllll me"she said rolling her eyes
Cut it out I hit you when I got here"
Yea that was almost a week ago fire"
Aight mama I'm sorry I ain't call but I texted"
I wanted to hear ya voice"
Aight ma I apologize but how yo-yo"
He ok just been a lil worried bout him"
He's his normal self but a mother never stops worrying about there child"
I understand my mama said that all the time"
Kairi been calling me wit her crazy self"
Oh yea what she up to cause she don't call me"I laughed
Nothing she having fun with her grandma as usual she wanna see yo-yo but I told her when you come back"
Imma get her after I come back- shit you booked that appointment for me at the shop on Sunday"
Yea but you sure you don't wanna rest then go get ya hair cut and stuff and I can braid your hair at your house"
Cant remember we gotta Galla Monday  so I just wanna get everything over with"
I guess"
Why you sound like that wassup"
You been sleeping"
Stop lieing you got bags coming in"
Just yo-yo"
He's good he in your care so he's straight"
I know"
Baby girl don't stress ok it's gonna be cool aight yosohn ain't in the hospital or got any bruises just relax it could be a hol lot worse"
Aight imma calm down"
Aight were he at right now"
Right there"she said pointing then facing the camera twords yosohn and he was on the bed watching his favorite movie coco
Hey big dude"I said
He looked at the door and then at the phone
Blahdataa"he said in some baby language as he got excited
Wassup dude you be good tell mommy stop worrying aight you a big guy"
Tell fire I'm not im mama baby"
Not till he start fucking"
Fire"she said turning the camera back to herself
Fuck"yosohn said
I bust out laughing at her face and she fussed at him and all he did was laugh at her that shocked me I ain't think he was gonna repeat it gotta be careful around him
I'm sorry sorry"
What ever lemme give him a bath I'll call you back"
Aight baby"
She hung up and I took the AirPods out and went back in the conference room I stopped my meeting just to talk to her so damn well these white people can wait
So as we were saying we want you to model for a few companies and some radio shows"Brian voiced
So y'all tryna make me famous"I said
Not only that you have the look the face the swag all of that that the fashion world needs"
Aight so what's the first move"
Contracts we see your an ambassador for Belair we love that so let's get down to business"

I loved doing shit like this I got to go outside of the drugs and shit and do other things in the world people I did professional business with knew nothing about the drugs and shit just knew I was rich as hell
This side of my life only bully and game really knew about it including momma and pops I kept my life a secret people on the streets if you seen it you seen it oh well plus I was tryna get new clientele threw the industry so I can expand my businesses and shit
After two more hours we were finish signing off on the contracts and I was leaving out with bully and game along with my lawyer and my manager we parted ways as soon as we got to the lobby of the large building and me bully and game drove off back to the house we rented LA was nice as hell and had so much land and property and shit I always wanted to live down here but my heart in Atlanta
We been to D.C and we had just landed here in LA this morning to handle business
We had product coming to Atlanta from D.C and now later tonight if shit went right wit these dudes in Compton we'd have business there then in two days we were flying to Oklahoma for some more shit to be out on the streets
I loved going on these vacations but I just hated not being able to bring my mom or my pops or kairi cause how dangerous they were shit I needed and wanted there company at times so I ain't alone as much cause after business I smoke wit bully or game who ever in the mood and then we back in our rooms chilling shit get boring
But tonight if shit go right we was gonna hit up a strip club or two shit have some fun for a change
My phone rung and it was from my mom
Hello"I said putting her on the Bluetooth
Hey boy were bully"
Right here mama"bully said
Boy I thought I told you not to eat up my damn ham and cheese don't come to my house unless you got my cold cuts you here me"
Yes ma'am I love you"
Yea I love ya greedy butt to but Kenen kairis been talking bout this girl"
If you can huh you can here"
I looked at bully and he rolled the window down looking out minding his business I looked back at game and he pretended to be sleep leaning his head on his shoulders
What she said"
Her name Maria aria and I thought it was a imaginary friend shit I even told her to tell the girl I said hi then she showed me a picture of her and the girl together on her phone who is she"
Umm she my good friend"
Now I know ya friends and boy you only got one game and bully ain't a friend he ya brother so she must be new"
Yea she is"
Well when you get back I wanna meet her she's beautiful and is it true she has a son what's his name yo-yo"
Yes ma his names yosohn but I'll set that up"
You better how about Sunday when you get back I'll make a dinner so we can all meet and get acquainted"
That sound good ma but I gotta go love you"
Love you to baby tell game I said hey darling"
Hey mama"game said
Hey baby alright well imma go and Kenen tell ya baby stop writing on my damn walls"
I will"
Emhm bye boy y'all be careful"
She hung up and I hit bully
Y'all niggas couldn't have had my back"
Nigga that ain't our business to tell her about ya girlfriend"
What he said"game laughed
Nigga shut up you was just knocked out a few seconds ago"
We laughed it off
But how you think aria gonna react"game asked
Ion know probably gonna be nervous"
Or she just gonna be excited you never know the girls crazy"bully said
She ain't even crazy"I said defending her
Said by another crazy motherfucker"game and bully said together

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