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I didn't know you and fire were best of friends tae"
We not"
Well why didn't youuu tell me that I was gonna be hired as a wife and you were gonna be my million dollar hair stylist"
I thought you knew but speaking of were have you been the past two days I haven't got a text a pigeon nun of that"
I Been working on etiquette and shit with fire ass I mean I know how to act like a lady so it's not hard it just takes forever to get fires approval and he wants everything perfect"
Well I mean that shit is tmm"
I know I'm nervous as shit"
Cause If I fuck up he will fuck me up"
No he won't"
He said it outta his own mouth"
Well girl it ain't hard for you to be a bad rich bitch you been rich and bad asf since forever"
Ain't nobody rich just cause I got money don't mean I'm rich"
Ya rich girl anyway let's do ya hair so you can be Cinderella and he can be your Prince Charming"
He got me wearing gold tae"
You look sexy in gold and here he gave me these to give to you"

He gave me two boxes and I opened one and it was a chain with a A on it and in the other it was like a Cuban link it was beautiful
Damn that shit is blinding me"
I know right it's fucking beautiful"
You damn right shit girl you better do a good job"
I have to now"
So nigga you found a bitch to take to that dinner"
Yea, speaking of I need you and game to be over the top overprotective with her and to watch her you never know at these dinners niggas might try to kill her and ion wanna feel bad for being the reason she dies"
Who is it"
See you went wit our advice"
Yea she did a good job I just hope she don't freeze up in front of these people"
Hopefully she won't"he said eating his wings

We were out at hooters to eat some bomb ass food and scooping out these bitches in here who some were ugly and some were aight
How was the process of getting her use to that type of crowd"
That shit was kinda easy but you know me I need shit to be perfect etiquette is good she good at being classy she good at acting"
That's good so how you threatened her"
Nigga how you know I threatened her"
Cause I know you"
I won't nothing harsh I ain't say I was gonna killer"
So what you say"
If you fuck up imma fuck you up"
Why you keep it easy you gotta soft spot for her"
No she gotta son too take care of"
You usually don't care about that shit wit anybody else"
She actually take care of her son and look nigga"I warned him
Aight you got it but I got some good deals being thrown at us just need ya ok"
What's it for"
The craze for lean is rising in the city and law shutting down people buying the syrup without a doctors note and a prescription I got two deals on hold one 50billion dineros each shipment and them shipments got about 60thousand bottles of codeine 10 ounces each"
Em so sell the bottle for about 150 a pop that's what 900,000 each shipment from selling the syrup that's"
Fifty billion 900 thousand just from some syrup"
How much we gotta give back"
Ion even wanna here the other one we gonna take the first shipment see how it sells and go from there aight"
Got it"
I sat on the couch with yosohn waiting for his dad to come pick him up he was fucking late as usual and today was the day fire had people coming to pick me up at 5 to get ready by 8 and Herbert was supposed to be here to get yosohn at 3 it's going on  4:30
I was getting so fucking worried and I didn't have a babysitter today because Herbert was supposed to be here to get him he loved doing this when I had something to do

I jumped when my phone started to ring and I looked and it was fire I declined it because I didn't want him to flip out cause I wasn't ready to go
The phone rung again and I slowly answered it and his voice boomed threw the phone
You ready"
Yea and no"
What you mean yea an no"
My sons father isn't here to pick him up and I don't gotta emergency babysitter"
What the fuck aria you should've had this shit taken care of"
Listen fire I'm doing you a favor here ok my kid comes before anything so I don't appreciate you getting a attitude with me"
Mane ion care about whatever situation you got going on wit ya baby's father but you best be ready by 5 ya ride gonna be there exactly at 5"
Well if my kid doesn't have a babysitter by five then I'm not showing up"
Remember what I told you"
You said if I fuck up i ain't get there in order to fuck up so that threat goes out the window plus you aint  pay me yet and you can have those chains back and the cloths"
That shit go out the window that's funny you must not know who you fucking with"
All I'm saying is my kid comes first"
You know what I'm not gonna have anyone come pick you up I'm coming to pick you up myself"

He hung up and i put my head in my hands and called Herbert it rung out and he didn't answer i didn't know what to do at this point so I called his mom and she quickly answered
Hey aria anything wrong"
Hey herb hasn't Made it to pick up yosohn yet do you know we're he is"
He's on his way over there"
Do you know why he's not answering the phone"
Well stupid left it here"
Ok Thankyou so much"
No problem dear kiss yosohn for me"
Will do so"
Hey guys I wanna put y'all on to a book

He hung up and i put my head in my hands and called Herbert it rung out and he didn't answer i didn't know what to do at this point so I called his mom and she quickly answered Hey aria anything wrong" Hey herb hasn't Made it to pick up yosohn yet...

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