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Baby this gonna be ya personal security team"
Wassup"she said looking over all of them closely
So it's crow who you already met, Michael, Lucas, og, tj, victor, blaze, Johnny, canen, korey, Melvin, and kels and ya favorite joe"I said pointing to each one
Baby lemme talk to you"she said staring at Melvin
Wassup"I said as we went off to the side
Ion trust Melvin"she said fidgeting wit her fingers
Why what he do to you"
He i think he kin to homie that rapped me"she breath out
What you mean kin he ain't have no brothers or anybody else working for me"
Right cause that's his bestfriend"she said looking at me wit a straight face
I ain't know"I said shrugging
Maybe you need to look into who's friends wit who around here I want him off my security team"she said but I could tell she had a attitude
No problem"I said wiping my face
Let's go for they start thinking we dipped on them"
She walked out first and I followed behind her

Melvin change of plans you gonna rock wit me for some more time aight"
Yes sir"
He got out the group of men and left I guess I couldn't just throw in a worker wit all these trustees
Melvin was the only worker I had in the group the rest of these niggas was people I trusted wit my life they worked in the barn house but not Melvin
I'm glad aria did her research cause now I could watch this nigga closely
Aight I trust everyone in this room wit my life I want y'all to protect her like it's me-"
Fire I can handle this"she said smirking
Go ahead"
Look I know some of y'all and y'all some serious niggas I mean you gotta be If  you working wit fire
And labeled a trustee y'all gotta be top notch so I expect nothing but respect the same way I respect y'all I'll listen to y'all as much as you listen to me this gonna be a family like unit that's the only way I function communication is a must so if you can do that ion gotta call in the big dog right here got me"
Yes ma'am"they all said shocked
I looked at her and scratched my head and she smiled
Good"she said and went up to my office
Well, um y'all niggas head back to base I'll hit y'all in a few"
They all left out in vans and I went up to my office unlocking every safe like door as I went inside I went in closing the door behind me
aria sat at my desk talking to bully
Aight now get yo ass up"I said pulling the chair back
Whyyy"she groaned making a puppy dog face
Aight just sit on my lap then"
Y'all two make me wanna throw up"bully said
Boy shhh"aria laughed
So when we gonna start planning ya birthday trip"he asked opening a bag of chips
Trip? Ion know bout no trip but I do wanna have a party doe"
You told you wanna have a criped out party"aria said into my neck
Don't fall asleep you still got training to do"
Nooo my legs.."she said leaning up looking at me "still hurt..and I'm tired"she finished
Well ya legs wouldn't hurt if...never mind but you got one more thing to do"I smirked but I wanted to slid back in her right here right now
And what is that"
Gotta see if you can knock somebody out"
I can"she said looking at bully
Yup she definitely can"bully laughed
What y'all two talking bout how y'all know that"I asked confused
We just playing who you want me to knock out"she said
She ain't playing"
Bully shut ya ass up"
Imma find out what y'all talking bout"I said moving aria off me
He gotta attitude now"bully said laughing
Nah I'm good imma let y'all keep y'all secret"I said getting up
Boy that mark that was on ya nose was from me"aria said giving in
What you mean from you"
So we was fighting over something and you went to grab me and I swung and hit you in ya nose knocked you out"
I closed my eyes and tried to remember and I realized that fight we had a minute ago
You lucky I love you like I do cause I should beat yo ass for that"I said fake crying
You be alright"she laughed "now let's go so I can k.o somebody"she said knocking her fist together
Boy take this blindfold off me"I wined
Shhhhh mama"
You know I love when you call me that"I smiled
I know that's why I keep saying it it makes you smile"

He pulled the blindfold off of me and it was a house in front of us
Ba-baby who's house do you have me at"
This is ours"he smiled with his hands in his pockets
I could tell he was super nervous but so was I moving in is a big step..that I think.. I wanna take
This big old house for me you and the kids?"I questioned
Yea wanna see the inside"He asked
Oh course"smiled and he grabbed my hand going inside
As we walked in the first thing I saw was the hallway lined with pictures of me kairi yo-yo ke his mom dad bully game and my mom and Kyle was even added to the wall
Babe we're did you get all these pictures"
I'm not always quiet for nothing I catch the small moments but this hallway is our family there will be more pictures added but I wanted us to have a family wall a wall of fame basically These are the people that make my heart beat faster than ever and that I'll love forever and that special to the both of us"
It's beautiful baby"I said admiring the picture of Kyle
and kyles pictures cause I know how much he means to you and ion ever want him to be forgotten and he's still part of the family"he explained going behind me wrapping his arms around my shoulders and I held on to his arms admiring the pictures some of them I've never even seen or don't remember seeing
Then that door over there is the kitchen and dinning room  right down there is the 1st family room-"
The first"I said pulling my head back to see if he was serious or not
I'm deadass"he laughed
Ok I wanna see the living room first"
Let's go"
|2 and a half hours|
Now finnaly this is our bed room biggest room in the entireeee house"ke said
This is beyond beautiful but yosohn and kairi room is still my favorite doe"I laughed
I looked around and I seen that it was a couch with pillows pilled onto it and most of them had kyles face on them I turned to ke and he smiled wit his head down
Thankyou baby"I said hugging him tightly I couldn't help but cry happy tears in his chest
Aweee mane cry babyyy"he laughed rubbing my back
I just ain't have nobody ever show me they care as much as you as much as I yell fuss cuss and shit you actually listen to it"
And as much shit I put you threw you always been there for me that's why I love you and imma always love you no matter what ma till infinity and I want you to move in wit me i wanna build our family"
Till infinity and yes I will"I smiled looking up at him
Now go in the closet and get that gold dress we got somewhere important to be"
Like where"
you will see"
Ke don't tell me you been planning this for the longest cause my makeup done my hair done-"
Shhhhhh go slid up in that mama after you take a shower go check out the bathroom
I shook my head and smiled I loved his surprises even thoe they annoy me cause I hate being blind sided and shocked
I went in the bathroom and it was beautiful a tub a shower that was like the ones in movies and a jacuzzi uhh I can't wait to get my Nani beat up in here I started the shower and water started to pour from the top of the shower and I jumped back making sure not to get my hair or makeup messed up
Bae how you change the settings"I yelled
Use the remote"
I grabbed it and seen you could change the temperature we're the water came from and some other button I clicked it and the lights dimmed and music started playing I turned it off and laughed
Ke you put this in here"I yelled laughing at him
Ion know what you talking about"

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