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I moved around in my sleep hearing the door open and close back I heard his voice and I rolled my eyes getting up I looked at the clock and seen it was pushing 1 in the morning

I got up and walked downstairs to him he looked at me and blew a kiss I didn't return the favor and walked in the kitchen I grabbed a bottle of water and drink some and leaned on the counter crossing my arms

Seconds later he walked in the kitchen and leaned down attempting to kiss me but I pushed his face back and walked over to the fridge putting my water inside

What's wrong with you"he asked and tried to wrap his arms around me
Don't touch me"I said and walked in the living room
Bae what I do what's wrong"
I stopped and turned twords him

You got something you wanna tell me"I asked him and I put my weight on my left leg crossing my arms
Nah why wassup"
Welp I guess we ain't got nothing to talk about"I turned from him and he spun me back around

What I do or said wrong"
Why you ain't tell me you was going on tour"I said pushing him away from me
I was gonna tell you"he said and I walked away
When when you planned on telling me that"
I forgot to mention it baby that's my bad"
So you just up and leaving"
I gotta-"
You don't gotta do shit Kenen I'm pregnant ion know if you forgot"
I know you are look imma be back aight"

Leave me alone"I said and went upstairs he wasn't saying the right thing he barely fucking apologized like he don't give a damn
Aria...aria"he called after me and followed me upstairs into our room he closed the door

I know you hear me talking to you"
I'm ignoring you clearly Ke so leave me the fuck alone"
I said I'm sorry"That shit lit my fuse
Fuck a sorry you ain't never fucking around no more I'm doing all this by my self and you up and leaving..when you needed me I was there for you"
Why you gotta bring that up what it wasn't out the kindness of heart"he said


FUCK YOU IM DOING EVERYTHING ON MY OWN I'm in this shit alone you ain't never there you to fucking busy to be around ion know if you know but you gonna understand I'm all you fucking got I'm there whenever you cry when you hurt every fucking thing ION GET THAT IN RETURN I'm tired of this shit I risk my child's life to prove myself to some bitch you could've handled easily but I sucked it up to keep you safe I saved ya life when game stabbed you I killed people for you CAUSE I LOVE YOU and you gonna ask me if it was from the kindness of my heart or not"I said pushing him back from me

YOU DONT SHOW IT I cook, I clean, I work I take care of all ya needs AND I CANT EVEN GET A HEADS UP THAT YOU LEAVING FOR A FUCKING TOUR you don't give a fuck about how I feel but I'm always there for you and think oh ke might not feel good about this ke this ke that IM PREGNANT AND I DO MORE FOR THIS FUCKING FAMILY THEN YOU DO"
WHAT I DO? I take care of two kids every fucking day I take care of ya grown ass every day I call ya momma every day and calm ha down from cussing you out cause you barely fucking contact her I LISTEN TO HER CRY ABOUT HOW SHE SCARED FOR YOU SOMETIMES SHE MAY BE TOUGH BUT SHE SCARED FOR YOU, I CHECK ON YA FATHER WHEN YOU SLACK ON DOING IT I do all that I LIVE IN FUCKING FEAR THAT YOU MAY NOT COME HOME IN ONE PIECE EVERY NIGHT IM SCARED FOR MY LIFE EVERYDAY BECAUSE IM WITH YOU"

I kill motherfuckers for you aria aight I make sure your safe you good my kids happy I make sure everybody happy I'm trying"
If you make sure everybody happy why the fuck ain't I happy right now"I said turning my neck to the side
"Why I ain't happy Kenen or fire or Dave who ever the fuck you is ion know who the fuck I fell in love with cause you ain't shit no more"

Yo aria watch yo mouth"
What you don't want nobody to tell you you ain't shit huh that's what it is you like to be built up and then treat others like shit I made you my nigga let's be fucking blunt right now"
You gone fuck around and say something you gonna regret"
Fuck YOU I made this motherfucker"I said pointing at him
"I fucking made you bruh you'd be fucked up right now if it won't for me"I said and chuckled
"You'd be somewhere fucking  miserable right now if it won't for me Shit if I knew you was gonna treat me like shit I would've left when you told me bout-"

He cut me of by grabbing me into the wall
Let that shit slide out ya mouth if you want"he threatened
Get offa me"I said trying to yank my hands away from him
Let me go Kenen for I hurt you worse then you ever been hurt before"I threatened him and he glared down at me his steaming hot air flew from his nose and breezed over my forehead

He let me go moving back away from me
I'm done with you"he said and I laughed at him
Nigga you can't stay away from me I'll have you crawling back on ya fucking knees for me"
Mane get the fuck out my face wit that shit"
He walked out the room

AHHHH"I screamed and threw the lamp into the wall
I grabbed my phone and called bully
Woah woah what happened"
I'm done....I can't do this no more"I said and hung up the phone I fell to the floor crying afterwards

I would've never thought we would end like this all because I was keeping it real

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