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Yup they both knocked the hell out"I said quietly so I wouldn't wake kairi up
Yea he just went to sleep"
Were you at"
At my house"
Oh yea you did say that how was last night"
It was fun I posted some pictures"
I seen em you looked beautiful"
Thankyou baby tae just finished my hair for tomorrow's gig then I gotta photo shoot after the gig"
Damn I wanna see ya hair"
I'll send you some pictures later if you want"
Ohhhh picturessssss"
Boy I'm not sending you no more nudes"
Good cause you be teasing me watch when I get up in that I'm tearing you up"
No you not"She laughed
Me and her AINT had sex cause I wanted her to be beyond ready and comfortable since what happened I ain't wanna make her uncomfortable or anything of that nature
Yea aight"I said and rubbed kairis back soothing her
It's so crazy how we both have straight up twins"
Right kairi look like I spit her clean out she only look a lil bit like Millie"
Yosohn used to look like herb when he was smaller but now he resemble me like crazy"
I'm tryna go to sleep"
On the phone"
Yea mama"
I fixed my phone up and got comfortable with kairi on my chest I rubbed her back and covered us with a blanket and I noticed aria was putting a blanket over yosohn and had my missing sweater on
That's were my damn sweater went"
Sorry I had to steal it it's just so damn comfortable now"
Yea but I gotta question"
If want you to move in wit me would you"
Like how long from now we talking"
Like as soon as possible"
Ion know imma miss my house"
You can keep it I'll pay it off for you"
NO-no"she said lowering her voice remembering yosohn was sleep
Why not"
You buy me enough shit my closet looks like a designer store and I got shoes from everywhere and to top it off you already give me money weekly and then you be giving me money just to give it to me"
Do you have enough cash to pay ya house off"
Then do that baby I'm not tryna take you away from your house I just wanna be with you and the kids all the time"
Don't you think it's to early cause I do we've been together for what two going on three months I don't wanna move to fast"
Damn it felt like longer"I said scratching my head
I know but I've always thought about it but for now no not yet I'm not ready"
Ion even think I am I just jumped into the idea"
It's cool but I'm tired hol on- Alexa turn off the lights-" she said to the Alexa bitch
You still speaking to that bitch"
Why she gotta be all that and you still mad she won't play that stupid ass song"
Fuck her and,I'm sorry you still speak to that shit"
Yea boy but I'm finna k.O"she said fixing her phone
Yea night baby"
I'm on the elevator now.....ok....bye"
The elevator went up to the 14 floor and I got off signing in and walking straight to the back me and ke had therapy today and I was 20 minutes late thanks to yosohns wineing and crying since he didn't wanna leave me
I knocked on her office door and ke opened it and I smiled and walked in
Sorry I'm late"
It's ok you just in time"
I sat down next to ke and as always I laid my head on his shoulder
So were did we leave off last week I know it was really good we were coming to the head of your healing process aria do you wanna touch on that topic a lil bit"
Um now it's like I'm healing from it now like I finally feel safe around fire now, it's been a long two months and I'm getting there I see finding closure soon I realized that he's gonna suffer for what he did to me sooner or later"
That's good to know so how have those workout sessions been going"
Good it keeps me calm and makes me feel stronger"
Great I remember fire your only problem was her jumping at you or getting frustrated with waist movements and her lower back how has that been"
I been carful I'm a touchy person so if I choose to hug her from behind I make sure I'm not touching her lower back and I ask her if it's cool if I touch her waist"
Yea he has, like when he does it it sends a chill and I shake for a second but I warm up to it"
Ok so if let's say your playing with someone and they decide to tickle you by your waist or grabs you touching one of those spots how would you react"
I don't know it never happened"
Ok so this is gonna sound funny or weird but your dad fire and your mom aria and Tae ya bestfriend right"
That's right"
Good so fire this week get them to touch them points playfully to see the type of reaction it gives if it's positive or good"
Why ion wanna se her fucked up like that"
I understand but it's not to taunt her or irritate her in anyway it's to see what stage she's at also if you only get used to fire touching those points then you can end up flipping out on everyone else your close to so to prevent that we'll do test such as these you understand"
Yea but what if she flip out on them"
Then that's were the exercises I showed you come in  there gonna understand"
And if they don't"
Make them understand matter fact here"
She gave us two small books
What is this"
This explains what happened to you to them mainly the touching thing your very sensitive to certain touches right that book explains it to them so if you do flip out give it to them"
Aight"fire said
So fire how have you been"
I been good actually calm"
I know a couple of important dates just passed"
Yea I was good a few tears but I was good"
How did you spend them"
With the family"
So when do you plan to go back to new York"
Um in a few weeks since I gotta phot shoot and she gotta booking up there"
That should be good"
Yea It will be"
So who's going"
Well before New York she gotta go to Chicago for a booking wit her mom so we gonna meet up for new York the next week"
So she leaves when"
Y'all meet up when"
So you won't be here for our session"
Ok Well let's talk about your plans for the week and how we can fit those exercise into it"
This chapters shout out is to @PlutoPussy I see you being the first to support me love you 💙💙💙

bye"The elevator went up to the 14 floor and I got off signing in and walking straight to the back me and ke had therapy today and I was 20 minutes late thanks to yosohns wineing and crying since he didn't wanna leave me I knocked on her office do...

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