Episode 20- Recreational Activity III

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The day was brilliant. Trees sparkling with droplets of early morning dews on top of the leaves. If that wasn't good enough, the breeze is in perfect cold temperature as it touches my naked skin.

The morning obstacle activity's the only thing that ruined the perfectly movie-like scenery. The green horizon was tainted by the rubbish things put together in vain to somehow resemble a decent obstacle course for children, complete with a pair of giant six lying wheels in the beginning with traffic cones tied with ropes in zigzag pattern to finished in a presumably one meter dash.

I can hear Nate's voice methodically working his logic on Vaughn. At the very beginning of this whole gibberish he was certain he has made himself clear, he doesn't want anything to do with the activity as what he initially stated. But look at him now. Voice raising, hands in the air convincing Vaughn to participate at the first event with him.

Four sets of pairs in every teams are forced to participate. Since our teams consists of three school, some of us are going to sit out.

As much as possible I want to take a rain check outta here, but Ryu didn't let me. In the end I was forced to participate, I'm going to be the one who's blindfolded while Vaughn is the one who guides me.

As if that would be necessary, I got the whole obstacle mapped out in the back of my head.

As I expected from the pillars of each school, I hardly noticed groans and moans of frustration from the students participating. Without getting in contact with any of them even a child can guess how competitive everyone is.

It's the school funds we're talking about, all of them has their A game at this point.

Vaughn and I, Ryu and Kei, Nate and Zoki and Theo together with Yael are the teams participating in our side. The other two are just sitting out.

Nate, Theo, Ryu and Me were all blindfolded at the same time. As I expected. With the absence of one sense all of the remaining senses were highlighted at it's best.

I never noticed the occasional birds chirping at near distant trees, I never noticed the sweet smell of baked goods to be serve at breakfast, and the early morning breeze being a few degrees colder than I initially thought.

I can hear Nate's curses after curses under his breath as he was blindfolded by Zoki.

Those two

Zoki is the obvious pick for the player's position but he insisted of being the support. His unerring recall and senses are exceptional. Winning the race will come easy if he will be the one playing. But, even if he wasn't playing it wouldn't change the outcome of the game. Without a doubt, we'll definitely gonna win the race.

I heard the starting pistol, the ground started roaring in complete mess of mixed shouting and cheering. It's very irritating, without sight I focused merely in hearing. Vaughn and I are the first pair to play on our group and now I can't barely hear Vaughn's voice.

I memorized the obstacle course, yes, but that doesn't mean I knew the steps I'm taking. With the absence of sight and the chaos of noises everywhere it's too overwhelming at it's best, I hardly made a move on my own.

"Vaughn come closer" I said shocked at the high tone in my voice

I can smell Vaughn's perfume as he's drawing near at me. I can't feel him touching my body but I can feel his warmth just by inching a bit closer at my direction.

His warm breath touch the upper part of my ear

I don't know if it's because of the cold breeze but the warmth give me chills all over my body.

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