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when my eyes opened and i finally awoke from my deep slumber, i kind of felt..numb. the numbness didn't last long though, because slowly, sadness came filling me out early in the morning. i sat up from my bed with an aching heart, reaching for my phone and doing my morning rituals.

"it's not like we're not going to see each other again.." i trailed off, my eyes staring up the window, where i can almost see the shape of their house through the fog. "..or maybe we really won't."

finally, i sat down in front of my desk. there was only one thing left on top it, the only thing that i've never included in the boxes as well. realizing that i won't be seeing this again, i looked at it, memorizing every bits of it. i looked at the thick carnation-colored covering of the notebook i bought not too long ago. it was only a week ago eversince i finished the last page.

just once..

just once more, i'm going to open this notebook and i'm going to remember the feelings he has put me through. every page, every ink wasted, it would all remind me, why i found the reason i can't help but not want to let go of my last high school year.

'entry 01

i never meant to write anything, but i found myself wanting to find a place where i can let everything out. where i can express what i'm feeling eversince he came stumbling into my life.

his name is son dongpyo,
and i believe i can say
he's my first love.'

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