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entry 02

i've never gotten to tell you all the details about how i got to know him but it all started  in the middle of spring when fate decided to take me in for a game. a game wherein i had to end up being next door neighbours with a boy named, son dongpyo. he came running at my door at eight in the morning wearing bib jeans, his curly hair bouncing and when he smiled, his lower braces were glistening under the sun. he woke up to give me rice cakes and up until now i cannot forget the glimmer in his face when he talked.

"i'm dongpyo. my mom and i just moved in. just came to say a quick hello." he waved his small hand. it was quite hard to hear him talk with a lollipop in his mouth. he smiles again and his eyes are barely seen. "and you have a nice hair by the way."

when i reached for my hair, i could picture it being a bird's nest but i didn't have the energy to react to that. i was too sleepy.

"yup. thanks for the rice cakes. have a nice day, kiddo."

this is when his smile falls to the ground and i can hear the sound of the candy crushing into bits in his mouth. his plump reddish lips pouted in a manner of disbelief and he had a sour expression but it didn't make him any less cute.

"excuse me, but how old do you think i am?" his hands were on his hips and his eyes were glaring but it didn't make him anything close to intimidating.

it took me awhile to answer. he was a centimeter taller but he had a face of a baby. i contemplated whether he  was an elementary student.

"i'm surprise your mom allows you to go to a stranger's house. i'd say you're around 13 or  14?" he still looked unhappy. "15? look, i don't really care? thanks for the rice cakes again anyway. see you around, have a good day. goodbye."

and i left him outside flustered with a flushed face.

i thought it'd be the last time i'd encounter the child but who would've thought that he was actually the same age as me? on top of that, when school began, we were in the same class and everyone was fond of him. literally everyone.

even the males can't take their eyes off him. even the most intimidating dude in my class, han seungwoo!

the name "son dongpyo" scattered throughout the campus as fast as lightning. dongpyo this, dongpyo that. he's got everyone's attention. even mom who rarely visits me in the house talked about how kind of a boy he is.

i tried not to, but slowly, i grew a bit of a hatred at him. not only was he taking attention of my parents, or my friends, or my rank in class, but he was also close to the woman at my class who's piqued my interest lately. and yes, i had a crush on a girl since the boys in my class were not qualified to my taste.

what's a bummer though, is that it's hard to tell whether i'm the girl when i'm beside him! son dongpyo and his darn lollipop.

eversince he came, he's been slowly taking away everything from me. without even noticing it.

i'm not sure how it all started but i didn't want to notice his presence anymore since everyone's keeping an eye out for him, but somehow, he always finds a way to create contact with me.

"dongpyo-yah. my cute little son." seungwoo cooed, cupping dongpyo's cheeks lovingly.

"i'm not your son. stop acting like that, you look so weird." dongpyo slaps his hands away, taking another wrapper out of his lollipop.

"i've been meaning to ask. it's been about a month eversince you came here. isn't there anyone you're taking interest in lately?" one of the boys around him asks. his name was hangyul, i think.

"that's a secret." he replied giddily, sucking into his lollipop again.

"then how about this. if you could pick a girl here in this class, who would you like to have a date with? or just someone you want to know better?" seungwoo asks this time. i swear everytime he stares at dongpyo, his eyes are twinkling.

it was a meaningless conversation to overhear and i was about to plug in my earphones but i heard my name being called.

"lee y/n." he firmly says. when i secretly turned to look at him, i already caught him looking at me. he smiled genuinely. "i'd like to get to know lee y/n."

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