Chapter 11

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her outfit :) ---->


“bye Rena!” Jamie said wrapping her arms round my neck. “I'll see you soon, maybe this weekend to see your baby?” I nodded smiling before grabbing my bag and walking out. I waited outside till my mothers car was stopped in front of me. I climbed in noticing that Michael was in the back. I smiled at him and he started moving his feet and hands round smiling and laughing. I laughed before turning back round to smile at my mum.

“thanks for watching him mum.”

“no need to thank me for watching him! I wanted to.” she beamed before driving back to the flat. “so do you know what's up with Liam?”

I turned to look at her and frowned shaking my head. “no, it's so weird. I don't know what I did.”

she grabbed my hand giving it a small squeeze. “I doubt you did anything honey.” she took a quick glance at me smiling sadly. “it'll be fine.” I shrugged sinking into my seat listening to the radio more intently as. 'dog days are over' by Florence + the machine. I put my sunglasses on as my mum tapped to the beat singing. I've always been jealous of her voice. She had such a mellifluous voice, it stuck out but in a good way. When she sang, people stopped and listened. I smiled listening to her more than the music. I heard her laugh as she realized that I had been listening to her more than Florence whose voice was just as beautiful as my mothers.

She pulled up in front of my building. “thanks again mum.” I said leaning over and hugging her.

“and again, no problem sweetie. I'm going to miss you.” she kissed my cheek and then let go. “I'll see you soon honey I'm going to miss you.” she gave me another hug before I got out pulling Michael out of the back. I waved as my mum drove off and took Michael's hand waving it for him as we watched his grandmum drive off.

Still holding Michael I walked into our building and up to our floor. When I opened to door I expected to it to be just Michael and I but with the faint music playing I knew Liam was home. I walked to his room opening it up to see him strumming his guitar singing a song I hadn't heard before. I cleared my throat and he abruptly stopped and turned round. He rolled his eyes setting his guitar on his bed getting up and walking over to me.

“what do you want?” he snapped.

“I want to know what your problem is.”

he laughed bitterly. “how about you find out yourself and talk to me when you know.” he slammed to door in my fair causing me to back up before it could hit either Michael or I. I stormed into the living room setting Michael down before flopping on the couch pulling a pillow over my head and screaming. Liam was so frustrating, one minute we would be able to get on and then the next he would hate my guts. I finally calmed down flipping the TV on to a kids show for Michael as I went to the kitchen grabbing something to eat and walking back.

By this Time Michael had found a way to get off the couch and climb under the coffee table. I laughed lightly before pulling him out from under it and setting him down next to me on the couch. I took a bite from my banana before letting Michael have a small piece. He grabbed it pushing it into his mouth with his whole hand. I giggled taking another bite of my banana watched as Michael's attention went to his little cow. I smiled at him getting up and turning on my music. 'Tongue Tied' by Group Love came on and I shimmed to the upbeat song. I turned it up before walking over to Michael who was bouncing in place giggled as I danced in front of him.

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