Chapter 19

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                             <---- her outfit. haven't done one in a while :) x


saying goodbye, even for a short time, has always been a hard thing for me. I hated saying goodbye, but when your own brother can barely look you in the eyes whilst you say goodbye makes me even more emotional than I should be. I watched as he stayed behind everyone keeping his eyes on Nathan who was in his arms.

Charlotte wrapped me into a hug as soon as I was out of my fathers death grip on me. "I'm sorry about Daniel he's just stubborn you know."

I laughed it off. " I know, I mean it did take hi six months to finally get you to marry him."

A light shade of red grew on her cheeks as she giggled and pulled away from me. "I'm going to miss you. Remember to call yeah?"

"only if your okay with your phone bill going up the roof!" I joked as she hit my arm.

"we'll manage, I love you girl see you soon." with one last hug she left to go speak with Daniel. Hannah jumped on my back making me stumble forwards, I laughed letting her get down and give me a proper hug.

"now I really wish I could go! I'm going to try and get ahead in my studies and see if I can go for the last week."

"you better!" I threatened her prodding her stomach. She jerked back with a light laugh escaping her lips.

"okay! Please just don't hurt me!" she joked making both of us laugh. "goodbye Rena." she said wrapping her arms around me and giving me one last squeeze. I turned to my mother who was playing with Michael in her hands. She looked up to me with tears in her eyes.

"my baby girl." she whispered as she hugged me with her free hand. "I'm so proud of you, you are an amazing mother." tears started to form in my eyes and I buried my face into her neck. She started to run her hand throw my hair before kissing my temple and letting me go.

"don't cry baby girl, you don't need to cry. Be happy you get to see Liam." I looked at her confused before she rolled her eyes pulling Michael further up her hip. "don't give me that look, I know you're excited to see him. I know you honey, and u know you love him. I also know your confused about loving Liam."

"it's hard loving him-"

"especially when you hate him." she finished. "I get it, I know you still haven't completely forgiven him for hurting you. My advice, tell him. Get it out and you'll know if you truly love him or not." she kissed my cheek heading Michael back to me. "oh and Serena."


"I expect more of these little guys after you realize you are I love with him." I laughed it off as if it were a joke but I know she was dead serious. Mother never joked about her grand-babies.


"mmma mmmma!" michael said from his seat on the plane. I sat right up and stared at him. "mmma mmma!"

I covered my mouth as I stared at Michael In shock. He said it. Even though it was barely the word it was still close enough to know what he meant. Mama. He said mama. The shock turned to joy and a smiled grew on my lips. I pulled my phone out snapping a picture of Michael and sent it it Liam. 'he said mama' I texted with the picture.

Seconds later I got a call from Liam. "I just got your text it's around one in the morning, are you being serious." I smiled letting a laugh of joy escape my lips.

"yes!" just then Michael started saying it again. "listen!" I held the phone to Michael and watched as he continued to say the two syllabled word. I pulled the phone back to my ear.

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