Chapter 17

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All Liam's POV. not very good. but I was just eager to write this. :) x


Liam's POV-

It was a day before Rennie and Michael, and Marina were going to fly to California. And with all the excitement of getting to see Michael again I had forgotten to explain them both the plan. I picked up my phone scrolling through my contacts to Marinas number she put as 'baby <3' pressing called I let it ring over and over till she finally picked up.

"hullo?" her voice thick with sleep and slight confusion. She'd been out partying last night..

"Mar? It's Liam where are you?" I heard some shuffling before a drop and Marina was back on the line.

"Uhhh... No where! Just... Just a friends. Spent the night, you know I like to spend time with friends."

I heard a deep voice in the back telling her to keep it down. I clutched my mobile to my ear and breathed in deeply. She had been with another man again.

"yes... I know you like spending time with friends, anyway I'd like to talk to you about California."

The shuffling stopped. "oh Liam didn't I tell you? Summer collections are starting to come together I've got a shit ton of work to do. Sorry but I can't make it."

I sighed. She did it again. We planned this weeks ago, and she pulled out at the last minute. "it's okay love, maybe you can come the second week-"

"no I'm booked for the next month baby. I'm really sorry, but when you come back I'll clear out my planner and we can do what ever you want. I promise." I heard some ruffling in the background ad a little giggle escape her lips. " Liam I need to go, I'll call you later, love you!" and then the phone when silent. Tossing my phone Onto the hotel bed I ran a hand viciously through my hair pulling the ends till it hurt. "careful there Li. You'll put your hair put." Niall joked from the doors. Shooting him a look he went silent. "what's wrong mate?"

I shook my head and sat down on the bed. "Marina."

"she done it again? Seriously Liam, I love her and all but it's a pretty fucked up situation. If you know shes doing it Why stay with her?"

"because I love her." I mumbled under my breath. Truthfully I didn't even believe it. But I knew I deserved it. It was like Gods way of punishing me for putting Serena through all that heartache. I deserved a lot more than just a cheating girlfriend. But I was miserable. It was easy to put on a fake smile and pretend to be happy. Pretend that the hole left in my heart was filled with Marina's love. But it wasn't, something was missing. And my mind drifted to Serena. Rennie. An 'old flame' as the tabloids called her. Something about her made me want to yell at her but then at the same time I wanted to hold her time and kiss the life out of her. I knew I couldn't hide it from myself any longer. I loved her. I was and still am in love with Serena Rose Jacobson. Always have been. But to anyone who asked, she was only the mother to my child, and a friend.

I couldn't admit it though, we both had 'moved on' she didn't love me anymore and I couldn't snap my fingers and make her mine again. She was the only thing I couldn't have. After breaking her heart again, for the second time, I knew I couldn't get her back. I even promised her brother. All those years ago, when I had gotten my second chance with her, Daniel, her big overprotective brother threatened me that of I ever broke her heart again there was no way in hell I'd get a third chance. He wouldn't allow it.

"your thinking about Serena aren't you?" Niall said with a smug look on his face. I tried hopelessly to act like I didn't know what he was on about. "don't give me that shit. I know you were."

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