Think about it

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I sat down in my room, just looking at my contacts list on my phone. I can't believe half the people here were my so called friends, it just hurts so much that they would even think of doing this to me.

I only had Cody and Cassie and that was all. Only two people I could rely on, give me moral support. That's all.

My phones screen switch to a phone call, it was Cody.
I answered the phone slowly.

"What?" I asked, sounding ruder the I had thought.

"Sorry! Someone slept on the wrong side of the bed." He asked giving a nervous chuckle

"Sorry, I'm just sick and tired of Acacia at the moment."

"Well don't get sick & tired yet. I think I have a plan."

"What is it??" I let out an excited voice, I never knew I still had it in me.

"What if you dress up as a fake girl, we could totally make you over. That way the girl I really want to be with comes"

"Like dye my hair & stuff ?" I asked a little nervous

"Well, kinda but it doesn't have to be permanent ." Cody quickly said soothingly " But it's okay if you don't want to."

"I'll sleep on the idea, I'll call you when I have an answer"

"Okay bye Kay, sleep right beautiful ."

"Bye b, sleep tight handsome " I grinned and wrapped myself in my big comforter.


I grabbed my bag and ran downstairs to start preparing my breakfast.

Blueberry bagel with Philadelphia, a little bit of strawberries and a cup of fresh fruit smoothie.


As I scanned through my phone, ignoring the occasional text messages from the idiots,
I glanced up to the stairs hearing foot steps. I wanted to see which family member was going to ignore me today.

It was Kendall.

It was really quiet , and awkward.

But I could tell she wanted to talk to me, maybe just even look at me.

As I was walking out the door , I found my body come to a complete stop. I felt paralyzed.

And then , I began to speak . The words came fluently to me . I couldn't stop myself from reciting my feelings, they just flowed, effortlessly .

: " I'm sorry Kendall, I didn't even tell the paparazzi about mom and dad. I know you can't believe me but just try and understand , your my sister and I love you , and I hate to see you mad at me. I want my sister back, I want my family back. I just want us back . "

I began to walk out the door, I don't think she'll ever forgive me. What's the point.

"You know, Cassandra told me. About everything and I believe you. "

"You do?"

"I do and I only have one thing I say, do you love Cody ?" Kendall asked

"Well, when I'm with him he makes me feel some type of way,there's no one else who can make me feel that way. " I uncontrollably smiled

"I'm just saying, you've given up your privacy , your friendships and your family for him. But he hasn't really scarified anything for you. Is he worth it?"

I thought about it for awhile, he didn't seem to really sacrifice anything for our relationship at all. But I wasn't going to allow that to ruin my mind set.

"I just know he's one of the greatest relationships I've ever had.."

I decided I am going on the tour, and

maybe, just maybe
I'll be able to answer Kendall's question by the end .

My wifi was not working and I was able to.
I hope you guys forgive me and like this chapter .

Seem like there's a few doubts .

I L Y*

- Nya

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