Dark side

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*Yuki POV*

I walked around and found what I was looking for. I got close to the cage and open it. I walk in and saw something run at me so I dodge it.

"Stop I know you don't want to see me but please listen" I said and the thing stop in front of me

"What do you want" it ask

"Help I need it" I said

"Exchange for what" it ask

"For a little bit of freedom but no going wild" I said

"Fine but I get to come out when I want to" it said

"Fine but no hurting my family or friends" I said and everything became black

*Lucy POV*

I saw Yuki open her eyes so I got close to her and hugged her.

"I told you Midnight I was coming back" she said and look over to knocked out Midnight

"what happen to him" She ask

"Natsu" I said

"Oh well I got to" she didn't finish as she grab her arm that still have venom

"Blue Pegasus go north west, saber go north and fairy tail go north east" she said and everyone ran to there position

"Lucy lets go" Sting said

"No I will stay you go" I said and he nodded and ran off

*Yuki POV*

'Heal' a voice said

'I can't' I said in my head

'Why' it ask

'Natsu' I said

'He hurt you by saying those word' it said 'fool'

'Shut up' I said

I look at my arm and start to heal it by thinking of the stuff my mom said that calmed myself down. The venom started to go away and my arm didn't hurt anymore.

"It healed" Lucy said

"Yes it did thanks for mothers word" I said

We got up and carried Midnight back to the second him of blue Pegasus but we didn't expect what was coming.

(Sorry if it's short)

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