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3rd person* 

s/n = your son's name. 

Hours upon hours of preparation from both the staff and the students had gone into the winter preschool concert. It may seem small to others but to the kids it means the world.

Set up in the small cafeteria of the school are folding chairs in a row looking towards an open space where small props lay for the performance.

The parents were asked to help decorate to assist the preschool teachers who are putting the students in their costumes back in the classroom down the hall.

y/n is on a step stool hanging decorations from the low ceiling with the help from one of the other mother's husband.

A group of mothers stand behind a table as they tie bows waiting for them to be taken and hung around the room.

They only look at the big shiny ring on her finger a hint of jealousy as they look at their own small rings.

"Where even is the so-called man that she's with?" The tall one that is in her mid-thirties with a high school student along with her preschooler snarls.

"Probably left her and the kid, only wears the ring because she can't get over him." They all laugh, y/n knows that they don't like her. She only volunteers for school events to give her something to do during the day and for her son.

"Did you hear that she reserved two seats instead of one for the first time. I darn near laughed when I saw the list." The short one that's a little pudgy and posts way too much on Facebook.

"Maybe the baby daddy is coming, since he clearly pays a hell of a lot for her not to work and for his kid to wear all name brands." The pregnant one that has three young kids already and is stressed from chasing the kids around.

'Do you need these to be hung up?" Y/n asks the women behind the table and they stop their chitchat to look up at her.

"yes, darling that would be great, thank you." The pudgy one says. Taking a pile of the bows Y/n walks off ignoring the fact that they speak to her like a child rather than the 22-year-old woman she is.

It's only 30 minutes before the concert is going to be starting, the members attending that didn't help set up such as, grandparents and friends flood through the doors.

The group of women had now been moved from doing little work of tying the bows to handing out the little program booklets at the door.

The 5'11 gorgeous boy, who is not so much a boy anymore, walks through the door taking a little booklet. He is dressed in a gray long sleeve and black skinny jeans down to his black sneakers. His face shows he is tired from his extremely long flight, bags forming as he needs to catch more sleep.

He carries a black backpack with him containing a little gift for his son from his travels to give him after the concert.

The women all look at each other questioning who the young hottie is. The pregnant one with too many kids begins to fan herself drooling making her friends laugh.

"He's so cute!" She exclaims watching him as his hands run through his hair the only thing on his ind is looking for his wife.

"Why is he here?" The one in her mid-thirty's questions.

"Why have we never seen him before?" The pudgy one adds.

"Chris!" The women freeze as they hear y/n's voice. They finally put one and two together looking up from the little group circle that had formed.

"Could you help me with this?" She asks. The women watch as he helps y/n move a box his muscles flexing through his shirt.

They know it is completely inappropriate to be looking at him in this way and it only makes they're hatred for y/n grow stronger.

The one that they thought was young knock up ended up being the one with the best-looking husband.

Soon everyone takes their seats Chris and y/n are sat on the left side a few rows back from the front. The other women on the right side scattered around.

They only watch the two as they sit holding hands. The women despise them and the pregnant one takes her own husbands hand mimicking and forgetting to watch her own child.

The others notice and participate too. The tension rises between each other as they all forget the real reason, they are there.

During the last song, S/N notices his dad in the crowd his smile goes so wide as he can barely contain their excitement.

The mothers all watch their kids, one sneezing repeatedly, another looking at the ceiling and other tears in her eyes.

When the song finally ends the teachers say their thanks and the kids are dismissed to see their parents.

"Daddy!" s/n calls as he comes running through the people jumping up on Chris's lap his arms wrapping around his neck.

"Hey, bud." Chris runs his hands through his little boys' hair identical to the coloring of his own holding in his arms.

'I'm sorry I didn't get to go to your concert daddy but thank you for coming to mine." Chris just melts at the sweet words of his little boy.

"No problem S/n. You know I wouldn't miss it for the world!" The mothers walk over and stand with their group, husbands and kids now included, as they want to listen in on the conversation between the little family of three.

"I got you a present," Chris says taking one arm off s/n's back to open his backpack.

"You got me a present from Australia! You know kangaroos live there daddy. Did you see a kangaroo? I love kangaroos." He rambles on about his favorite animal playing with his hands.

"I saw a lot of kangaroos bud and they all made me think of you so, I got you this." Chris pulls a stuffed kangaroo from his backpack as s/n's face lights up grabbing the plush toy.

"Mommy look what daddy got me!" He turns showing y/n the stuffed toy and she smiles at him.

"That's so cool!" She says, "let's go get you changed from your costume, we should head home daddy has to get some sleep." s/n agrees nodding getting off Chris's lap and sticking the kangaroo under his arm.

Chris pushes his sleeve up his arm revealing his tattoo to the short and pudgy who had been watching him.

Chris puts the backpack on his back just as s/n reaches for his hand pulling him towards his classroom. Y/n follows, and the women elbows the other in her mid-thirties both watching them leave.

"Miss Newburgh, this is my daddy he's a singer! And he got me this kangaroo!  


wc; 1168

okay, so this ones like super cute! Imagines Chris as a dad !!


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