Pub Chatter 5th Edition - July 21, 2019

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Welcome to another week here in the Pub Universe!

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Welcome to another week here in the Pub Universe!

Summer is in full swing!! Picnics, vacations, swimming, BBQs, so many opportunities for fun!

What are some of your favorite summertime activities?

Let us know in the comments below.

Let us know in the comments below

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Morningside Heights, July
By William Matthews

Haze. Three student violists boarding
a bus. A clatter of jackhammers.
Granular light. A film of sweat for primer
and the heat for a coat of paint.
A man and a woman on a bench:
she tells him he must be psychic,
for how else could he sense, even before she knew,
that she'd need to call it off? A bicyclist
fumes by with a coach's whistle clamped
hard between his teeth, shrilling like a teakettle
on the boil. I never meant, she says.
But I thought, he replies. Two cabs almost
collide; someone yells f**k in Farsi.
I'm sorry, she says. The comforts
of loneliness fall in like a bad platoon.
The sky blurs—there's a storm coming
up or down. A lank cat slinks liquidly
around a corner. How familiar
it feels to feel strange, hollower
than a bassoon. A rill of chill air
in the leaves. A car alarm. Hail.

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