Chapter Two || Memories

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Capital of the Xiang Empire, 1479_____________The next morning, Lihua was woken up early by her aunt

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Capital of the Xiang Empire, 1479
The next morning, Lihua was woken up early by her aunt. The first rays of the sun had begun to
appear, casting a pale golden light over the rich, green lands. The sky had softened to a baby
blue, and the clouds could be seen with a shy blush. A mixture of light pink, white, and blue was
painted on the canvas of the sky, and it was truly beautiful. Not many people were awake. Some
were still asleep, drowning in their very own dreams and enjoying the warmth of their small
houses, while others had waken up to attend to their duties.
She got dressed in a simple pink and white hanbok, along with a silver belt that loosely hugged
her lower waist. The belt used to belong to her father, and although it's been ages since
someone last wore it, it was still nice and firm. It had the symbol of a dragon on it, and for some
reason, it made her feel safe and gave her a little bit of confidence.
Aunt Biyu had somehow managed to convince Lihua not to wear men's clothing for today,
having used the excuse that the people in the palace would not take her seriously. A woman of
decent rank and respected household donning men's attire? Her family wouldn't hear the end of
it. Gossip and filthy whispers would circle around in the village like a vicious shark in the sea,
and as if Lihua hasn't worsened their reputation enough with her reckless actions and
inappropriate behavior, it would be completely ruined this time.
Lihua took two strands of her long, black hair from each side and gently pinned them back with
a plain red hair pin while leaving the rest of her hair falling down her back. Unlike any other
woman who actually had the chance to meet the emperor, who would've caked her face with
makeup and wore priceless jewelry, this girl didn't do any of that. She didn't wear any precious
hair pieces, nor did she wear any expensive clothes or jewelry. And almost no makeup, only
applying a very faint pink color to her lips.
Meeting the emperor?
She snorted at her unrealistic, childish thoughts.
As if that's ever going to happen.
She stared at her reflection and a satisfied smile graced her fair face. She stood up and walked
out of her room, heading to where her grandfather and aunt were.
She stepped inside and found them eating breakfast. Zhao Lin didn't even look up. He
continued sipping his fresh tea silently, gazing outside at garden and anyone passing by. A cool
breeze, reminding them that it's a new day, crept inside and hit their warm cheeks.
Aunt Biyu gasped softly, "oh my!" She smiled proudly, staring at her niece with obvious
approval. "You finally look like a proper lady! It looks stunning on you!" But she then muttered,
"well, except for the belt, that one doesn't really go nicely with the dress.."
Lihua only huffed, clearly not thinking the same. "It's uncomfortable! The fact that I'm not
wearing pants is making me feel exposed. Plus these sleeves are heavy, and it feels like my
skin cannot breathe! Nearly every inch of it is covered—"
"Oh hush!" The middle-aged woman rolled her eyes, waving her hand in a dismissive way.
"Quiet and come eat. You must hurry, otherwise you will be late and most likely miss your
meeting with the emperor."
She almost choked and looked at her aunt like she just grew three heads. "The emperor?
Surely, you are jesting. Just because I am going to the palace, doesn't mean I'm going to meet
His Majesty. Plus even if I had the chance, I wouldn't have the desire to. According to all the
rumors about him, he's a bloodthirsty killer who wouldn't hesitate to put a dagger in your
"Silence!" Zhao Lin suddenly yelled, his booming voice startling the two women. "Do not speak
that way of His Majesty. You should be helping your aunt with her work and acting like a lady
worthy of your rank, not listening to indecent gossip and disgusting rumors. I have raised you
better than this." He spat.
Lihua was hurt. She knew she spoke way too much sometimes, and she knew that her behavior
and just her in general were intolerable. She was stubborn, careless, and hot-headed. She was
fairly aware of her worst flaws, but this was the first time he'd snapped at her this way.
"But it's just what I hear when I visit the village. It's not my intention to listen!" She argued.
"For goodness' sake, Lihua! Be quiet and eat. Don't talk back and don't waste any more time."
Aunt Biyu says, handing her chopsticks. Lihua grits her teeth angrily. Her appetite was lost, and
all she ate was a few pieces of rice and took a small bite of the dry bread.
"Is that all you're going to eat?" Her aunt questioned, "you're going to need your strength, you
know." She added. The girl gently pushed the plate of food away, shaking her head slightly. "I'm
not very hungry." She mumbles and stands up, before slipping her shoes on.
"The herbs are over there," Zhao Lin said, pointing to the corner, where an old bag made of rags
lay. She looked at it and spotted little plants peeking out, making her smile slightly. She picks it
up and almost gasps at the heavy weight.
Aunt Biyu chuckles like a witch and says, "we can't afford a cart, so you're going to have to carry
that on your back the entire way. I hope someone is kind enough to help you. Maybe a guard,
perhaps." She takes a sip of her green tea, ignoring the glare her niece sent her.
Lihua winces at the sudden pressure on her back but manages to stand straight as she walked
out of the house, stumbling a bit. "I'll do my best, grandfather." She sent Zhao Lin a cheerful
smile, a bright look in her eyes. He slowly looked up at her and his grip tightened on the glass.
At that moment, he saw not his granddaughter, but his son.
The same optimistic attitude, the same happy smile, the same cheerful eyes.. gazing right at
him, full of hope and twinkling with life—
He looked away without saying a word.
As Lihua walked away, Aunt Biyu placed a comforting hand on Zhao Lin's shoulder, a dejected
look on her face. "Do you really think she will be okay, grandfather?" She asked hesitantly.
Then, with a heavy sigh, he finally answered, "I don't know."

Duh Duh Duh!

Stay tuned for the next chapter! Reviews and Private messages are always welcome

All my love



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